Animal Cruelty Charges: Ex-Essex & Suffolk Huntsman pleads guilty
Sam Staniland latest 'huntsman' to be up in court on charges
Ex-Essex & Suffolk Huntsman Sam Staniland plead guilty to three animal cruelty charges under the Animal Welfare Act at Ipswich Magistrates Court on 26 February. He is due to be sentenced on 10 April at Norwich Crown Court. The judge said that "all sentencing options" are "open".
Sam Staniland arrives at court to plead guilty - via Suffolk Action for Wildlife
Staniland pleaded guilty to acting unlawfully during the following incidents:
Failing to prevent three Patterdale terriers from fighting foxes and badgers between 21st March and 21st April 2023, thus failing to meet their welfare needs.
Causing unnecessary suffering to two foxhounds by failing/preventing them from fighting a fox on 17th October 2022.
Failing to prevent two lurcher dogs from fighting a fox and a badger on 17th October 2022 - thus failing to meet their welfare needs.
Staniland had been charged with two other offences, but these were dismissed after the defence and prosecution teams made a plea bargain. He had previously plead not guilty in 2023.
Sam Staniland, huntsman for the Essex and Suffolk Hunt, during a cubbing meet in September 2022.
Staniland has already been convicted of an offence under the Hunting Act. He pleaded guilty to illegal hunting after he was filmed cub hunting with the Meynall and South Staffordshire, his former hunt, in October 2018. He was fined just £350 on that occasion.
The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) wrote that the case was brought by the RSPCA and Suffolk Police Rural Crime Team.
Staniland has been suspended by the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) and fired from his Hunt. His old hunting buddies were nowhere to be seen in court.
Incriminating evidence found on Staniland's phone
The raid was triggered by evidence gathered by Suffolk Action for Wildlife (SAF) of an illegal cub kill, which led to the police raiding Staniland's property. Police confiscated Staniland's phone. When officers examined the phone they found videos and photos which incriminated him of the above offences.
The police and the RSPCA conducted a second raid on Staniland's property in January 2023, confiscating the five dogs. All of the dogs have since been re-homed.
The January 2023 raid was part of a series of raids in conjunction with the RSPCA on homes and hunt kennels in Norfolk, Sussex and Thames Valley.
"Training dogs to fight and kill"
SAF wrote, reflecting on Staniland's conviction for cruelty:
"Let’s take a moment to consider Foxes and badgers would have likely been pregnant during this period.
These offences were not on hunt meet days so this shows what the Essex & Suffolk staff were doing to train foxhounds and terriers on days not hunting. Training dogs to fight and kill, getting their blood lust."
A spokesperson for the HSA commented:
“These are just the latest cases of blatant illegal hunting and animal cruelty. Please email your local MP and urge them to pressure Labour into delivering their promised ban on the smokescreen of ‘trail hunting.’ Many of these hideously cruel offences occurred while foxes and badgers were pregnant or caring for newborn cubs. We cannot comprehend the mindset of those who choose to inflict such pain and suffering on our wildlife, and we call on the government to take action to end it once and for all.”
According to a post by Herefordshire Hunt Sabs:
"The Stanilands are a local family, with Sam starting out his hunting career whipping in at the Ludlow where his mother was hunt secretary for twenty years. The Stanilands also have close links to the Herefordshire and Clifton and Wheatland Hunts. Sam had been previously convicted while at the Meynell and his whipper in at the Essex and Suffolk (also up on further Hunting Act charges alongside Staniland) was Jamie Price, who whipped in for a season at the Herefordshire and Clifton."
Protect the Wild readers will know that the vast majority of hunters get away with regular breaches of animal protection legislation. We need the government to make good on their pledge to ban trail hunting.
Check out the Hunt Saboteurs Association, and find your local hunt sab group.