Done so above so do not wish to repeat myself. It reminds me what a barbaric society we have still in this country. As bad as the Italians for instance who shoot and eat the tiniest migrating birds as they fly over!
… and in other European countries including Cyprus where they allow the nets and glue sticks to be used on our Ministry of Defence land, I know there was lobbying to ban this but I don’t know if it worked. I have seen in French delicatessens jars of tiny song birds preserved for sale; how ghastly far too many of our species are.
This is absolutely diabolical, I read the RPUK story yesterday and was stunned to hear the numbers of Harriers and other Raptors being killed by these criminals. There’s a story in the press today stating that due to the current level of persecution in Ireland, the Hen Harrier will be extinct within 25 years! Something has to be done to stop the massacre and to bring these greed driven criminals to justice.
This is sadly no surprise. Rather than stressing the poor hen harrier chicks out by taking them out of the nest and moving them (which is obviously not achieving anything and I would have thought that that would be detrimental to the health of the chicks) wouldn't it just be easier, more environmentally and ethically sound and a lot cheaper for us all to just ban all grouse, partridge, pheasant etc shooting all together instead? Of course, we all know this and they put it out in the news, but nothing ever gets done about it. What they are doing at the moment is the equivalent to sticking a plaster over an infected wound and hoping it will heal by itself when in reality, without successfully treating the root cause (the infection: the barbaric, heartless and environmentally destructive shooters), it will just fester under the plaster and worsen over time, resulting in being even harder to treat successfully. Properly ban all hunting, shooting and "culling" for good once and for all! I don't trust "Natural England" at all as they seem to be a very pro shooting department and I have significant doubts about the RSPB as well after hearing from someone that it seems like they condone the age old excuse and lie of killing foxes to "protect" the environment and other animals and then finding this: .
Hi Cara. I (and PTW) completely agree with you - the only answer is a ban on grouse, pheasant, and partridge shooting. I've been saying that for many years and am constantly told that's it's 'not realistic' or 'unacheivable'. What people mean is that the very powerful shooting indistry won't budge so why bother - or why not go for a halway house like licencing instead? My answer is that history is full of unachievable aims that (for want of a better phrase) 'people power' has achieved and are now just every day parts of our lives. It comes down to persuasion, facts, seeing alternatives, challenging, being consistent. You mention the RSPB. The world - and the birds in it - would be in a far, far worse state without the RSPB. Their investigators especially (and I've met some of them) are extraordinary, dedicated professionals. BUT the RSPB is hampered by one phrase in its Chater (wrtten in 1904): "The Society shall take no part in the question of the killing of game birds and legitimate sport of that character except when such practices have an impact on the Objects". (the Objects are the aims of the charity). So essentially because of one sentenve written 120 years ago the RSPB has to remain essentially 'neutral' on shooting - which is also why when Beccy Speight (the current CEO) does speak out she is both lauded by the likes of PTW and pilloried by the likes of the Countryside Alliance. And, yes, they do undertake 'predator control' - I know for fact it causes them a great deal of soul-seraching, but their case wasn't helped when they actually hired gamekeepers from a neighbouring shooting estate to kill foxes on one of their upland reserves a few years ago...
Hello and thank you (and PTW) for agreeing with me about a complete ban on all so called "game" shooting and for explaining that all for me Charlie Moores. I do completely understand, am aware of and agree the many great things that the RSPB are doing (research on avian influenza, working with other charities to help birds, the environment and showing what cat owners can do to help protect wildlife etc) and I do applaud the RSPB's current CEO (Beccy Speight) for speaking out against barbaric, uneccessary and environmentally destructive "game" shooting. I do completely understand and know that sometimes "predator control" needs to be done on certain occasions and inaction isn't a viable option. My main and only issue/deep concern with this is that, surely there is some way to do that, to successfully reduce the number of animals in that area (whether they are foxes, grey squirrels crows, deer, badgers etc) without resorting to killing them? Such as, an adapted TNR technique (Trap, neuter and either return or relocate to a better/safer area or even to a sanctuary or wildlife rescue who has the room and expertise to look after them) perhaps or such as the recently novel way to humanly sterilise grew squirrels by using birth control techniques that could be modified for other species as well instead of killing them:
I have the same opinion as Jason Gilchrist in the article. I will agree with anything like this if it will avoid "culling" (mass killing). Surely, the RSPB can find/do a more humane method of "predator control" without killing being needed?
You are so right Read my diatribe above. The so called sport sickens me! We have to sign all petitions and email our local MPs telling them to approve the new hunting bill, SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT HAVE HIDDEN LOOPHOLES to allow these murderers find a way to torture and kill or, actually let their poor hounds do the killing of the four legged animals, mainly because they are starved. Again get a few copies of HOWL magazine and see for your selves what the animals and SABS have to put up with by the Terriermen and Hunts men.
Thank you Susie Bowers. I am the exact same. Any petition I see that helps to either completely ban and/or make hunting and shooting as hard as possible to continue, I sign, whether that is on the official government parliament petitions website, on, for PTW, or anywhere else etc. I have sent numerous emails to my MP (although he doesn't answer all of them and personally, I don't believe he cares much for animal welfare as he mostly just sticks to saying the same old things each time (that the government recognise this and are doing this that and the other, animal welfare is important etc, in other words, making doing nothing sounding good.)) Protect the Wild do truly care about wildlife, so I think that it is safe to say that the "hunting with mammals bill" doesn't contain any loopholes like the so called 2004 "hunting act" does as the "hunting with mammals bill" was created between Protect the Wild and the lawyers Advocates for Animals to ensure this. One thing I am confused about is the HOWL magazine you mentioned though. Do you mind me kindly asking where/who you get that from as I noticed you said in your other comment that members of PETA UK receive this but I was a member of PETA UK last year but never received one or heard of it before? Are you sure PETA supply these?
Hi again. Just a quick note. Our Bill is actually the Hunting OF Mammals Bill, not Hunting WITH - it's easy to make the mistake and everyone at PTW had made it at least once (or twice!) LOL :)
Oops, I do apologize and thank you for letting me know. I will remember this next time, the "Hunting of Mammals Bill"! Thank you again and carry on the great work that you and PTW are doing!
Sorry possibly not perhaps the HSA. I have just binned my last one as no one Interested here in Brixham, Devon and no surgeries or hospitals lallow magazines now.!
I am a PETA and HSA SABS supporter for all wildlife. I the criminals involved in fox hunting were not bad enough we now have these idiots who love to shoot birds, including all the Royal family including Kate Middleton, and even take chicks supposedly to save but in fact are rearing them to shoot later! It must stop that is why the new Hunting Bill with no loopholes, as put in last time by the MP Tony Blair , must be approved in the House of Lords and Commons when it is introduced this year. Foxes, Hares, Birds, Deer, Badgers and other wildlife are ILEGALLY terrorised, hunted and suffer incredible fear and painful deaths at the hands of the greedy money makers and so called "Sportsmen and women" who even initiate their young children into hunting , at a young age, if not the shooting. The Police and RSPCA are useless and the
Magistrates let them off when actually prosecuted with no jail sentence, tiny fines, and no ban on owning hunting dogs who they neglect and ill treat. Read the HOWL magazine published for members of PETA UK. Please join and support the SABOTEURS who go out voluntarily everyday when a Hunt is scheduled to save the wildlife.
Hello Susie, yes it was put forward by Tony Blair but did you know that he has admitted he deliberately sabotaged it before it went through in order to make it virtually unusable?
Completely true! Protect the Wild (formerly known as "Keep the ban") support the hunt saboteurs all across the UK, so by donating to Protect the Wild (if you can, there is also the charity "action against foxhunting" and the "League against cruel sports" as well who are fighting for this too), you join, help and support the brave saboteurs!
Thank you for letting me know Susie Bowers. That would explain why I hadn't heard of it before. Is it available for hunt saboteurs only or can any paying member of the HSA receive it do you know?
Peta UK and or the HSI with a small donation an fill form and you are a member. You can buy lovely badges etc too to help their funds to replace articles stolen from the SABS whilst on duty by the Hunt hooligans
We know it should be ‘Unnatural England’ as a body supposedly helping and protecting our wonderful flora and fauna, its failings are beyond belief.
And until the media exposes individuals like Ian Botham for what they are, the majority of the public will remain blissfully ignorant to the horrors faced by such wonderful birds as the Hen Harriers Red Kites and Eagles
It beggars belief, will humans become the only species left on the planet!!! Imagine 🤬. The laws needs to reflect the severity of these vile crimes, if nothing else it will act as a deterrent to these despicable people. If they can’t live without killing let them fight and kill each other. But of course they can only “murder” defenceless animal’s because they are, of course, revolting COWARDS.
At some point, if the law is not being upheld, don’t be shocked if vigilante groups start springing up and defending our precious wildlife… I bet the police would take more interest and action then!!!
Dieser schändliche Betrug sowie das weitere grausame Vorgehen der egoistischen Verbrecher, muss dringend gestoppt werden, bevor diese Vogelart vernichtet wird. Unsere Gesellschaften müssen endlich den Wert der Tiere anerkennen und alles Menschenmögliche dafür tun, um Tiere vor dem Ausbeuten und dem Aussterben zu bewahren. Es müssen unabhängige Tierschutzorganisationen und ihre Mitglieder zur Bewachung der Brutstätten eingeschaltet werden. Nur so können wir diese wertvollen Vögel für unsere Kinder und Enkel erhalten.
Couldn’t agree more Gisela, it’s pointless just counting the numbers of birds being killed, action needs to be taken, I appreciate that may be easier said than done.
This shameful fraud, as well as the further cruel actions of selfish criminals, must be stopped urgently before this bird species is destroyed. Our societies must finally recognize the value of animals and do everything humanly possible to save animals from exploitation and extinction. Independent animal protection organizations and their members must be called in to guard the breeding grounds. This is the only way we can preserve these valuable birds for our children and grandchildren.
I have read a lot of the comments below and, yes, we must keep the fight against hunting going. One way might be through the next general election. I will not be voting Tory again this time, they have broken so many of the promises they made on things important to me but it seems there is hardly a difference between Labour and Conservative these days, so as I will not waste my vote I am actively finding out more about the Green Party - a lot to think about in the next few months for us all.
Welcome to our disgusting, lawless, cruelty filled shite place. Do what you like here. Time to start a private army.
Done so above so do not wish to repeat myself. It reminds me what a barbaric society we have still in this country. As bad as the Italians for instance who shoot and eat the tiniest migrating birds as they fly over!
… and in other European countries including Cyprus where they allow the nets and glue sticks to be used on our Ministry of Defence land, I know there was lobbying to ban this but I don’t know if it worked. I have seen in French delicatessens jars of tiny song birds preserved for sale; how ghastly far too many of our species are.
That's ghastly horrible!
This is absolutely diabolical, I read the RPUK story yesterday and was stunned to hear the numbers of Harriers and other Raptors being killed by these criminals. There’s a story in the press today stating that due to the current level of persecution in Ireland, the Hen Harrier will be extinct within 25 years! Something has to be done to stop the massacre and to bring these greed driven criminals to justice.
This is sadly no surprise. Rather than stressing the poor hen harrier chicks out by taking them out of the nest and moving them (which is obviously not achieving anything and I would have thought that that would be detrimental to the health of the chicks) wouldn't it just be easier, more environmentally and ethically sound and a lot cheaper for us all to just ban all grouse, partridge, pheasant etc shooting all together instead? Of course, we all know this and they put it out in the news, but nothing ever gets done about it. What they are doing at the moment is the equivalent to sticking a plaster over an infected wound and hoping it will heal by itself when in reality, without successfully treating the root cause (the infection: the barbaric, heartless and environmentally destructive shooters), it will just fester under the plaster and worsen over time, resulting in being even harder to treat successfully. Properly ban all hunting, shooting and "culling" for good once and for all! I don't trust "Natural England" at all as they seem to be a very pro shooting department and I have significant doubts about the RSPB as well after hearing from someone that it seems like they condone the age old excuse and lie of killing foxes to "protect" the environment and other animals and then finding this: .
Hi Cara. I (and PTW) completely agree with you - the only answer is a ban on grouse, pheasant, and partridge shooting. I've been saying that for many years and am constantly told that's it's 'not realistic' or 'unacheivable'. What people mean is that the very powerful shooting indistry won't budge so why bother - or why not go for a halway house like licencing instead? My answer is that history is full of unachievable aims that (for want of a better phrase) 'people power' has achieved and are now just every day parts of our lives. It comes down to persuasion, facts, seeing alternatives, challenging, being consistent. You mention the RSPB. The world - and the birds in it - would be in a far, far worse state without the RSPB. Their investigators especially (and I've met some of them) are extraordinary, dedicated professionals. BUT the RSPB is hampered by one phrase in its Chater (wrtten in 1904): "The Society shall take no part in the question of the killing of game birds and legitimate sport of that character except when such practices have an impact on the Objects". (the Objects are the aims of the charity). So essentially because of one sentenve written 120 years ago the RSPB has to remain essentially 'neutral' on shooting - which is also why when Beccy Speight (the current CEO) does speak out she is both lauded by the likes of PTW and pilloried by the likes of the Countryside Alliance. And, yes, they do undertake 'predator control' - I know for fact it causes them a great deal of soul-seraching, but their case wasn't helped when they actually hired gamekeepers from a neighbouring shooting estate to kill foxes on one of their upland reserves a few years ago...
Hello and thank you (and PTW) for agreeing with me about a complete ban on all so called "game" shooting and for explaining that all for me Charlie Moores. I do completely understand, am aware of and agree the many great things that the RSPB are doing (research on avian influenza, working with other charities to help birds, the environment and showing what cat owners can do to help protect wildlife etc) and I do applaud the RSPB's current CEO (Beccy Speight) for speaking out against barbaric, uneccessary and environmentally destructive "game" shooting. I do completely understand and know that sometimes "predator control" needs to be done on certain occasions and inaction isn't a viable option. My main and only issue/deep concern with this is that, surely there is some way to do that, to successfully reduce the number of animals in that area (whether they are foxes, grey squirrels crows, deer, badgers etc) without resorting to killing them? Such as, an adapted TNR technique (Trap, neuter and either return or relocate to a better/safer area or even to a sanctuary or wildlife rescue who has the room and expertise to look after them) perhaps or such as the recently novel way to humanly sterilise grew squirrels by using birth control techniques that could be modified for other species as well instead of killing them:
I have the same opinion as Jason Gilchrist in the article. I will agree with anything like this if it will avoid "culling" (mass killing). Surely, the RSPB can find/do a more humane method of "predator control" without killing being needed?
Sorry, meant to say "grey" squirrels, not "grew" squirrels.
You are so right Read my diatribe above. The so called sport sickens me! We have to sign all petitions and email our local MPs telling them to approve the new hunting bill, SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT HAVE HIDDEN LOOPHOLES to allow these murderers find a way to torture and kill or, actually let their poor hounds do the killing of the four legged animals, mainly because they are starved. Again get a few copies of HOWL magazine and see for your selves what the animals and SABS have to put up with by the Terriermen and Hunts men.
Thank you Susie Bowers. I am the exact same. Any petition I see that helps to either completely ban and/or make hunting and shooting as hard as possible to continue, I sign, whether that is on the official government parliament petitions website, on, for PTW, or anywhere else etc. I have sent numerous emails to my MP (although he doesn't answer all of them and personally, I don't believe he cares much for animal welfare as he mostly just sticks to saying the same old things each time (that the government recognise this and are doing this that and the other, animal welfare is important etc, in other words, making doing nothing sounding good.)) Protect the Wild do truly care about wildlife, so I think that it is safe to say that the "hunting with mammals bill" doesn't contain any loopholes like the so called 2004 "hunting act" does as the "hunting with mammals bill" was created between Protect the Wild and the lawyers Advocates for Animals to ensure this. One thing I am confused about is the HOWL magazine you mentioned though. Do you mind me kindly asking where/who you get that from as I noticed you said in your other comment that members of PETA UK receive this but I was a member of PETA UK last year but never received one or heard of it before? Are you sure PETA supply these?
Hi again. Just a quick note. Our Bill is actually the Hunting OF Mammals Bill, not Hunting WITH - it's easy to make the mistake and everyone at PTW had made it at least once (or twice!) LOL :)
Oops, I do apologize and thank you for letting me know. I will remember this next time, the "Hunting of Mammals Bill"! Thank you again and carry on the great work that you and PTW are doing!
Sorry possibly not perhaps the HSA. I have just binned my last one as no one Interested here in Brixham, Devon and no surgeries or hospitals lallow magazines now.!
Try phoning PETA.
Hi there. HOWL is indeed the magazine of the HSA and free to all members.
Thanks Charlie. I know Cara was interested so w ill try and i nform her
Thank you for getting back to me Susie Bowers and for answering that for me. I will phone PETA to ask. Thank you for the suggestion.
Apparently it is avsilable from the HSA not PETA. Sorry.
That's okay and thank you for getting back to me to let me know.
The Tory government’s record on wildlife and the environment is appalling. Appointing pro shooting officers is a disgrace
When the Russians caught a nazi they'd cut their balls off, I'd happily do the same to these bastards
I am a PETA and HSA SABS supporter for all wildlife. I the criminals involved in fox hunting were not bad enough we now have these idiots who love to shoot birds, including all the Royal family including Kate Middleton, and even take chicks supposedly to save but in fact are rearing them to shoot later! It must stop that is why the new Hunting Bill with no loopholes, as put in last time by the MP Tony Blair , must be approved in the House of Lords and Commons when it is introduced this year. Foxes, Hares, Birds, Deer, Badgers and other wildlife are ILEGALLY terrorised, hunted and suffer incredible fear and painful deaths at the hands of the greedy money makers and so called "Sportsmen and women" who even initiate their young children into hunting , at a young age, if not the shooting. The Police and RSPCA are useless and the
Magistrates let them off when actually prosecuted with no jail sentence, tiny fines, and no ban on owning hunting dogs who they neglect and ill treat. Read the HOWL magazine published for members of PETA UK. Please join and support the SABOTEURS who go out voluntarily everyday when a Hunt is scheduled to save the wildlife.
Hello Susie, yes it was put forward by Tony Blair but did you know that he has admitted he deliberately sabotaged it before it went through in order to make it virtually unusable?
No I did not know this. Makes him a more awful man than I thought.
The man was a clown whose policys were riddled with 💩
Completely and sadly true!
Completely true! Protect the Wild (formerly known as "Keep the ban") support the hunt saboteurs all across the UK, so by donating to Protect the Wild (if you can, there is also the charity "action against foxhunting" and the "League against cruel sports" as well who are fighting for this too), you join, help and support the brave saboteurs!
Cara Ive just been informed HOWL mag is available free to members of the HSA.
Thank you for letting me know Susie Bowers. That would explain why I hadn't heard of it before. Is it available for hunt saboteurs only or can any paying member of the HSA receive it do you know?
Just join
Peta UK and or the HSI with a small donation an fill form and you are a member. You can buy lovely badges etc too to help their funds to replace articles stolen from the SABS whilst on duty by the Hunt hooligans
Thank you for answering my question and letting me know Susie Bowers.
We know it should be ‘Unnatural England’ as a body supposedly helping and protecting our wonderful flora and fauna, its failings are beyond belief.
And until the media exposes individuals like Ian Botham for what they are, the majority of the public will remain blissfully ignorant to the horrors faced by such wonderful birds as the Hen Harriers Red Kites and Eagles
I am afraid most only watch tv or read the comic papers and are too lethargic to sign Petitions.
The Evil inbreeds aren’t happy unless they are murdering some innocent creature.
Oh how I wish that we could declare open season on the hunters .
I feel completely the same way Margaret Connor!
It beggars belief, will humans become the only species left on the planet!!! Imagine 🤬. The laws needs to reflect the severity of these vile crimes, if nothing else it will act as a deterrent to these despicable people. If they can’t live without killing let them fight and kill each other. But of course they can only “murder” defenceless animal’s because they are, of course, revolting COWARDS.
At some point, if the law is not being upheld, don’t be shocked if vigilante groups start springing up and defending our precious wildlife… I bet the police would take more interest and action then!!!
Dieser schändliche Betrug sowie das weitere grausame Vorgehen der egoistischen Verbrecher, muss dringend gestoppt werden, bevor diese Vogelart vernichtet wird. Unsere Gesellschaften müssen endlich den Wert der Tiere anerkennen und alles Menschenmögliche dafür tun, um Tiere vor dem Ausbeuten und dem Aussterben zu bewahren. Es müssen unabhängige Tierschutzorganisationen und ihre Mitglieder zur Bewachung der Brutstätten eingeschaltet werden. Nur so können wir diese wertvollen Vögel für unsere Kinder und Enkel erhalten.
Couldn’t agree more Gisela, it’s pointless just counting the numbers of birds being killed, action needs to be taken, I appreciate that may be easier said than done.
We all know who’s responsible for god sake.
Completely! We do indeed.
Cannot understand German! Sorry. Should have a translation button on this site.
Hi Susie, This is Gisela’s post…
This shameful fraud, as well as the further cruel actions of selfish criminals, must be stopped urgently before this bird species is destroyed. Our societies must finally recognize the value of animals and do everything humanly possible to save animals from exploitation and extinction. Independent animal protection organizations and their members must be called in to guard the breeding grounds. This is the only way we can preserve these valuable birds for our children and grandchildren.
Ich kann nur zustimmen
I’m so ashamed to be British right now. I love our countryside and wildlife. It’s unbelievably distressing to see it ravaged by our own citizens.
Same here too.
Nothing will change under an evil Tory Government. Absolutely hate them.
I have read a lot of the comments below and, yes, we must keep the fight against hunting going. One way might be through the next general election. I will not be voting Tory again this time, they have broken so many of the promises they made on things important to me but it seems there is hardly a difference between Labour and Conservative these days, so as I will not waste my vote I am actively finding out more about the Green Party - a lot to think about in the next few months for us all.
Definitely agree!
If grouse shooting did not exist, hen harriers would not need rescuing. To be the cause of a birds downfall is not something to crow about.