What a hero, this lady is a true wonder and what determination lets hope Betty Badger wins her fight and what a utter disgrace on defra killing defencless animals run by idiots who have not got a clue about the countryside badgers are needed its the shitty farmers who should be held accountable for TB keeping their animals stood in a constant supply of 💩 not seeing a blade of grass in their poor miserable lives having their babies ripped away so they csn be milked dry THATS WERE THE BLAME LIES 😡😡😡😡

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Bless her heart - what a wonderful woman, a true hero.

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This made me cry! What an absolute legend 🩷

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Like you Lou this brought a tear to my eye but shows her determination to prove deathra wrong

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Me too. An absolute hero

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Bless you Betty Badger 👍💖!!! Please know that I, alongside everyone else here, support and are with you 100%!! We need far more people like you!!! You are a hero!! I only wish I could join and support you in person. I would kindly like to ask though, when the article above says that the Betty Badger suit is made from "foam and fur", is it faux fur?

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Is it true that Labour have abandoned their manifesto pledge? If so, very disappointing. Unfortunately, all politicians lie just to get our vote.

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Immensely proud of you for making this your mission. A truely lovely lady who deserves recognition for her great contribution to save wildlife. Thankyou so much.

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I echo Cara - and yes, I would be certain it’s faux fur! So many thanks Betty for what you do, I would love to join you one day but I live in Devon, however, if I ever find myself in the vicinity I will definitely get over there - but hopefully the government will wake up to reality soon and your vigil won’t be needed anymore. As an aside but on the same subject of killing animals, I was terribly disappointed that the King’s Speech made no mention of the Hunting Bill - but I have not forgotten it was the then Prince Charles who persuaded weak Tony Blair to sabotage the Bill to make it useless!! On the subject of our royal family I am more than half way through reading a book by Norman Baker called ‘and what do you do?’ - it is enlightening on how awful the royal family is in so many different ways with countless tax privileges etc and how weak successive governments are in doing anything about it - it is a good read and something we should all know about and lobby the government to do something about it, they cost us a fortune and pay nothing towards the country, constantly in their counting houses keeping everything to themselves.

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Jul 28·edited Aug 1

Thank you for putting my mind at rest Frances King. On the subject of the "royal family", If you wanted to know how sick the so called "royal family" truly are, there is a link here but please be warned, it is very upsetting and there are no words (without swearing) that can describe it: https://protectthewild.org.uk/news/prince-harrys-new-book-talks-about-the-most-loathesome-tradition-in-bloodsports/

Many members of the "royal family" agree with and have themselves gone trophy hunting as well, dating all the way back to "Victoria and Albert" posing for a picture over the body of a poor tiger they just murdered 😾😡🤬🤬🤬!! If the "hunting trophies importation prohibition bill" comes back and makes it into law this time, I am very interested to see if it achieves "royal assent" or not or whether there will be a clause in the bill that makes members of the "royal family" "exempt" from it, like what Scotland's ban on hunting does. This isn't even mentioning their support and involvement with/use of abhorrent fox hunting (as you correctly said, the reason why "Charles" pressured weak Tony Blair into riddling the 2004 hunting act with the loopholes that made it useless. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen again with Keir Starmer and "trail hunting"...), "Game" (bird) shooting, snares, horseracing, pigeon racing, fur (themselves and the "royal guards") etc. You are completely correct though that the "royal family" are awful in more ways than with animals alone:

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jul/24/king-to-receive-extra-45m-of-public-money-as-crown-estate-income-soars and: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/22/royal-secrecy-public-money-crown-estate-king-charles

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Thank you Cara for those 2 links, however, I already knew the gruesome facts about the Harry link but I am very grateful for the link to the Guardian information, it really is time we all started to put pressure on governments to stop the sycophantic behaviour they have all adopted for far too long. I am very happy with the pomp and ceremony we are so good at, and it brings in a lot of tourism value, but this nonsense that they are beyond scrutiny is not acceptable anymore and they have to start pulling their weight.

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You are most welcome and I completely agree with you!

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This is the time that Starmer needs to stand up and grow a backbone.

His speechfiying and rhetoric now needs to turn into hard action. He needs to instruct his Agricultural Minister to stop the killing now.

My only doubt is that he hasn't the balls to do just that.

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You are a true "GEM AND WILD ANIMAL LOVER" but the "FUCKING MADMEN" who run our country, should take the place of the "HARMLESS AMAZING BEAUTIFUL BADGERS" and be shot, they are supposed to be "HUMANS", but are "SUB HUMANS", you do not wipe a species of the "FACE OF THE WORLD FOR FUCK SAKE", we are led by "CHIMPS" in all "POLITICAL PARTIES", they "LIE AND CHEAT" to get in power, then continue to "LIE AND CHEAT" when in power, they are all a load of "LYING BASTARDS", one day the "REVOLUTION WILL ARRIVE", write to the "M Ps" and tell them what you think and don't hold back, "STOP THE BADGER KILLING/MURDER/MASSACRE".

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Love this James agree with it all apart from liking our MPs to chimps, chimps are much superior to the humans who sanction this barbarity.

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Mel, you are right, my apologies to our "AMAZING INTELLIGENT" chimpanzees, they should take over the "ASYLUM" and do a better job, in fact any animal would/could do better, James

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What a wonderful human being this lady is. This is the rare sort of person deserving of recognition for an OBE as opposed to some of the dreadful people who actually contribute nothing of importance but receive one. Determination, dedication, all the positives which should be celebrated! Perhaps a news article? Surprised there hasn't been one; look what it did for Greta Thunberg! I can't remember which charity it is that receives nominations for people who do outstanding things for animals awards, but she should be right up there as an individual! Love this gutsy lady! X

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Wow, how amazing is this lady and her story. She is incredibly wonderful, and brave. I wish those who speak to her from the 'inside' would grow some balls and stand up for her. At least find her somewhere she can sit. My thoughts are with you Betty Badger ❤️

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Betty badger amazing lady. I hope you win. If I'm ever in London I will join you for a day. So grateful to hear about this - thank you to protect the wild. So uplifting to hear about the determination of good people who stand up for the voiceless even when they are alone in doing so. I commend your bravery and ambition and I hope you continue to inspire us ❤️

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Brave Betty, a true inspiration to all who care. It’s these people who should be recognised in the honours list not the landed so called gentry who do nothing and get a seat in the lords for the people they know not their deeds. I am humbled by your actions.

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