This is massacre on an evil gigantic scale. What happens in someone’s life when they are growing up that makes them think that killing animals that can’t fight back is right??
These are not men that terrorise animals, if we invade someone’s home we would be arrested, or we hurt and murdered the occupants, but animals are bludgeoned and ki…
This is massacre on an evil gigantic scale. What happens in someone’s life when they are growing up that makes them think that killing animals that can’t fight back is right??
These are not men that terrorise animals, if we invade someone’s home we would be arrested, or we hurt and murdered the occupants, but animals are bludgeoned and killed why is this different, they have families, they have feelings. The ‘loophole’ in the hunting act is more like The Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3, if we didn’t have the truly magnificent ‘Protect the Wild’ hunting down these mindless zombies, then a lot more feeling defenceless animals would perish. Come on Labour get yourselves in gear and sort this out, this is waiting for your attention. I never watch the videos as I cannot bear to see the horror, it’s bad enough reading it, I’m always left in tears, if a fox etc ran to me I would absolutely hide it and clobber anyone who tried to hurt it.
This is massacre on an evil gigantic scale. What happens in someone’s life when they are growing up that makes them think that killing animals that can’t fight back is right??
These are not men that terrorise animals, if we invade someone’s home we would be arrested, or we hurt and murdered the occupants, but animals are bludgeoned and killed why is this different, they have families, they have feelings. The ‘loophole’ in the hunting act is more like The Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3, if we didn’t have the truly magnificent ‘Protect the Wild’ hunting down these mindless zombies, then a lot more feeling defenceless animals would perish. Come on Labour get yourselves in gear and sort this out, this is waiting for your attention. I never watch the videos as I cannot bear to see the horror, it’s bad enough reading it, I’m always left in tears, if a fox etc ran to me I would absolutely hide it and clobber anyone who tried to hurt it.
I would do the exact same Stephanie! Bless you ❤️!!