Very good drone work, so happy to contribute! Really pleased they did not find a fox! What is evident is that if there was 'a trail' laid through there, there would have been a map and hounds would have been called away from the covert very soon instead of all that back and forth activity, riders 'on point' and 'the field' (probably very bored) would not have been held back standing around. You don't need to see a fox to know this is 'intent on criminal behaviour' it is so obvious!

On a different note, congratulations on winning the public's choice of wildlife photography to Ian Wood. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5ypn8jz9q7o and it reads: 'Ian called badger culling "a national disgrace" and said: "I would swap this award immediately for the government to rescind all existing badger culling licenses." Good on him, and good pic!

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What brilliant news no fox was found so these sub human scumbags cant get their jollys off well done to all these drones are making these morons activitys more difficult to persue innocent foxes saved hooray henrys go home deflated win win all round keep it up more eyes in the sky lets these shits know their everymoves recorded

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Great to know we are all making a difference to help wildlife. Again nice work to the dedicated Sabs x

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Feb 7Edited

I am very glad to know that no foxes were found or hurt 🦊❤️💖 💖. Thank you so much Protect the Wild and the brave sabs for everything that you do and to everyone here who helps to support and/or donate to end this for good 👍👏✊❤️💖💖!!

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And any business any of these turds own/represent or work for expose them to the hilt. Bloodbusiness fantastic work sadly being added to constantly. But it gives us the power to help hurt them hard in the pocket

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I couldn't read the whole article . When I read 'Ladies that brunch hunt foxes for lunch' I wanted to throw up and I was so full of hatred for those c....ts. Reading it back , I think that actually makes a good poem.

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