This programme has run its course. Also the people that participate are doing it for a large amount of money. Cris is right, it does not matter if it is an elephant or an insect, they should all be respected as living beings. This show also teaches youngsters that it is okay to harm animals, which is on the increase since mobile phones and the internet has proven, vile animal torture for laughs. 'IT HAS TO STOP NOW' Also, parents should be educating children that animals feel pain fear just as we humans do. Ant & Dec, get real and quit the show, you are teaching bad ethics and you can change this if you want or is the money more important to you?????

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Brilliant all comments I agree wholeheartedly.

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I totally agree , & support Chris 100% . I love how you are a voice & stand up for animals / wildlife .

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More support and power to Chris P! I totally share his views on speciesism. Only the uneducated these days hold ingrained speciesist views which have been well entrenched for centuries. As for I'm a Celeb, I watched it in its first series and thought it pathetic! Sad form of entertainment. As viewing figures go, they won't miss me, I was never there! Has anyone here the time to look at this process for nominating Chris P for a knighthood please? I am not able to give the time I'm afraid due to the time and energy I give to my own rescued animals At my age, my brain gets weary after a day's work so doubt I could handle paperwork although there's probably not much. This knighthood would not just be for the man but for the animals and all of us who for whom he speaks! It would be a boost for the cause as well as a deserving Chris. I have checked a site for nominations, one of which is https://www.awardsintelligence.co.uk/find-out-how-to-get-a-kings-honour/how-to-get-a-knighthood-and-damehood/ Would give my support totally if required.

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Chris Packham speaks eminent sense and his point about speciesism is well made and perfectly points out the contradictions the programme exploits. Image if the contestants were made to eat kittens brains or puppies genitals!! The programme would be pulled immediately and all concerned would be in court for offences against 'poor defenceless animals'

All living creatures deserve the right to life and the brutal exploitation of animals deemed 'ugly and brutal' reflects terribly on those make the programme, those who participate in the programme and those who watch it. Mankind is the poorer if we allow such barbarities.

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I agree with Chris, I have always wondered how they get away with the shameless abuse of animals. This programme needs to end.

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All power to your elbow Chris Packham, my husband and I totally agree 100 percent. We have never watched the programme and certainly would not do so now. But as you say, what opportunity Ant and Dec have here to help educate people to wildlife suffering. But they are only in it for the money of course!

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You are so right Chris, I can't find anything in your narrative of this senseless and pointless "show", "entertainment", or whatever else itv choose to call it, to argue with. Firstly, this is NOT entertainment as you have correctly stated, just barbaric and quite frankly, sick inducing, mindless and corruptive TV!!!! It's about time this shit was outlawed and killed off! As for ant & dec, they should be bloody ashamed of themselves for allowing this pile of crap to go ahead. They themselves are beyond their sell by date and have been going for far too long, it's about time they disappeared, never to be seen again! I can't see what everyone sees in them, they're just 3rd class clowns!!!! The sooner they piss off, the more I will like it!

Thank you for highlighting this Chris, I don't suppose anyone will do anything but I would hope that these two brainless twats come to their senses, (if they have any)!

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Thanks Nick, you have said everything I wanted too....but better!

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Cris Packham is without a doubt one of our country's biggest advocates for wildlife, and he understands his position has the potential to be a 'Voice' for ALL the wildlife that have and unfortunately Will be at the hands of people, groups,authorities, and unevolved. I totally agree with him re Ant&Dec and their 'Show', and I can only hope that the duo and anyone involved with the programme can brush away the cloak hiding their vision... this can only be a Good point in our collective wish to rid the world of cruelty in all shapes and forms 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Excellent, Chris. I support every part of your statement.

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I stopped watching I'm a celebrity years ago for the very reasons Chris Packham has outlined. As a teacher, it saddens me to see the younger generation believing other sentient beings are there for our entertainment due to programme like this. Celebrities such as Ant and Dec have such a powerful voice. They could demand the cruelty stops and the programme would still be as popular with other tasks and challenges.

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Me too and I'm a real animal lover. One who's vegan, wears no leather and doesn't use products tested on animals.

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We are brought up with the horror of rats, why?? They don't have anymore disease. Very little difference with guinea pigs. They are not sweet because of their naked tail! How can people be so stupid or so brainwashed/

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Absolutely Spot On! Chris has yet again highlighted this disgraceful show (I’m a Celeb) which exploits the animal kingdom for cheap laughs. How can we teach our children to love and respect insects, snakes and other wildlife which are an essential part of the worlds ecosystem when ITV insist on showing idiotic second rate pre-madonnas overreacting. We need a petition to take this program off the air!

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There has been one, but they won't take it off when there's money to be made.

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I wholeheartedly agree with everything Chris Packham has said. It’s disgusting and cruel the way animals are used in the show, dead or alive. The only way things will change is if we all didn’t see ourselves as superior to any living creature, we’re all on this planet to live healthy happy lives including animals, they have every right to live too and not be used and exploited by disgusting human beings. It’s true, animals feel pain and love, and grief just as humans do but where humans are concerned, greed for money and power comes into it

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with you all the way Chris.

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They only understand money, so there needs to be something organised to hit them where it hurts. Any companies or products advertised during the show should be boycotted. Maybe emailing them a lot to complain and using their phone lines to complain more will be inconvenient too and hopefully not illegal. Guess it’s a shame you have to use a type of consumer sabotage but if enough folk are bothered, it’ll have an effect. If not enough participate then perhaps nothing can be done about it.

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Whilst I applaud Chris Packham’s message about the grotesque exploitation and abuse of all the animals and insects on I’m a Celebrity, and agree with everything he wrote, I wish he would look closer to home as Vice President of the RSPCA and address some serious issues here in the U.K. In particular, there is a puppy farm called MBR Acres in Huntingdon which breeds thousands of beagle puppies for the sole purpose of animal laboratory experimentation. There have been a small number of volunteers permanently camped outside MBR Acres for over 2 and a half years, called The Camp Beagle, protesting about the abusive and neglectful conditions the dogs are kept in. They are housed without beds, without metal stimulation, in filthy and squalid overcrowded conditions often left for 24 hours without any human supervision. The only time these dogs see daylight is the day they are moved from these premises to laboratories, to be tortured and abused. The Camp Beagle have recently presented a petition of over 100,000 signatures to the U.K. government, calling for an end to animal testing in the U.K., and are awaiting a date when it will be debated in parliament. Chris Packham has been called upon and asked to help support The Camp Beagle, and speak out about animal testing, but so far he has remained quiet. He has so much influence, his voice could make a huge difference to this issue, especially if the RSPCA were involved. Instead, thousands of animals are tortured in the U.K. each year, for experiments that are largely unnecessarily and which actually rarely benefit human medical research as dogs are a different species and react to and metabolise medications in a very different way to humans. A lot of dogs are bled to death for their blood, while they are still alive. Chris Packham needs to be raising awareness of the huge scale of torture and exploitation that exists in the U.K., and doing something about the barbaric animal testing industry here.

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* Meant to write “unnecessary” above , not “unnecessarily”

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Absolutely true, Helen. MBR (American I believe) are disgusting animal abusers who should be banned from operating in this country, along with all other labs and lab-sadists tormenting animals for profit. Big Pharma is not to be trusted with animal or human life, as was proven during the covid years. All they care about is making big bucks. They don't give a damn about the unnecessary suffering they cause to defenceless, innocent animals. Every single person involved in that industry, from big shot executives to those who carry out the 'experiments' to those carrying the dogs into the labs are hateful, cruel exploiters and torturers. May they experience as much suffering as they inflict on other living creatures.

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Couldn’t agree with you more, Pamela. It’s soul destroying knowing so many animal experiments are needlessly carried out every day all around the world. Lab tests done without the use of animals are far more effective and reliable. As well as focusing on animals on the other side of the world, I wish Chris would highlight what’s going on in the U.K. Let’s get our own house in order!

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I agree

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