These scum are filthy evil murdering bastards and have been getting away with breaking the law for 20 years just ridiculous fines etc, parasites like this should be locked up for a very long time and tagged on release, Sunak does not give a toss about animal cruelty look at him agreeing to the badger cull what sort of a man is he????????????????????????Lets hope when Labour get in they will do something about the hunting act and also BAN trail hunting as that is just a cover for real hunting with hounds, these hunt parasites are the most disgusting vile murdering filth and I hope one day they all get what they deserve and it is very very painful.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Brilliant SAF! It is not so much the punishment at the present time but the number of convictions showing up to public record that will indeed add to the case for a ban. Your local police are indeed to be thanked and congratulated as inspiration to other forces!

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He should have a driving ban, quad bikes and vehicles. Must of been terrifying with that dim twat driving at you. You can see by just looking at him he's got a screw loose. Well done to the great guys and girls looking out for the Wildlife

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Great news and well done sabe and the police for your persistence in securing this prosecution. Cundy now has a criminal record so further instances of violent behaviour will soon see him dragged before the courts again to face a harsher sentence. What a wanker.

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Good news it's been convicted, but the usual pathetic"punishment" which is no deterrent at all.

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I agree. He should have had to spend time in jail and pay court bill. Will he have a criminal record now? He should have!

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We need to rethink the tactics on how to stop these perverts from ever hunting for good.

Well, I have a lot of rope, has anyone got some old chairs we could use?

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I'd like to see him and his kind locked up for life.

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well done ! it is a start

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What an evil excuse for a man. Congrats for getting him and others prosecuted. The no brainer who pays for his lawyer should be prosecuted to for employing the gang of yobs.

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A paultry fine but the message is the same. Vile scumbags will be punished eventually. Well done SAF for managing a positive relationship with the police. Let’s hope this man’s life is damaged in some way for his sick perverted ways.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

The British upper class cannot deny their criminality when even their past time is illegal activity. Had English law been upheld in the 15th century and the legitimacy of Richard III's claim to the throne been respected, the upper class today would be completely different people. Maybe people who don't need to go around terrorising the countryside. Today's upper class are descendants of people who are traitors, fraudsters and masters of corruption. And it shows.

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Well done everyone, both police and brave sabs. Bit by bit building a body of evidence against these thugs who kill and terrorise animals for fun. Reckless entitled criminals, not sportsmen.

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Good to see criminals held accountable for their behaviour. Class won't protect them against the force of the law.

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A £100 fine? . That should deter the Wayne Kerr from doing it again

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Congratulations on the successful prosecution of the despicable Robert Cundy. Cannot restrain myself from swearing describing him, so all I will say is that the punishment did not fit the crime and he should be jailed for his atrocities and murders.

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