I have so much admiration for all the Sabs. You are trying to protect our precious wildlife, which deserve respect and empathy in this harsh world.

The violence that the hunt supporters are capable of, is shown in their willingness to attack the Sabs as well as their delight in causing suffering and harm to our wildlife, which in all probability, have done them no harm whatsoever.

A nation of animal lovers ???? I don’t think so in their case. Lawbreakers… most definitely. Getting away with it ?? It seems so. I am so proud of you Sabs and will give whenever I can to help keep you going.

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This is shocking - they're violent brutes - the kind of behaviour our society condemns so how on earth can it go unchallenged by police? We need to get this on the news. what about a live stream?

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Bloody hell that must have been terrifying! Hope you are all ok now. They are really horrible people but probably paid by the the real monsters on horseback. I will always support you

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These are just THUGS AND CRIMINALS Who carry out WILDLIFECRIMES And there should be a Law against them if it wasn't for People like Protect the Wild most people would not here about these Serious Crimes ,Throwing a Hammer through a Car Window is a Serious Crime and Charges Should be brought against These Criminal VERMIN, But as we have seen the CPS Do not seem to care, I hope the Sabs have got DASHCAM Footage

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Appalling. The police seem to be dragging their feet

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As per usual unless you are of the elite, or p wrongly!arking

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Can you grab their hoodies off and take pix of the FACES of these lowlifes, then post online. "Name and shame". 🇬🇧 🌹

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Maybe spray them with some of that spray dye - that way hopefully , the police won't be able to claim that they can't recognise them . Even if they dump their cute matching puffas , their fingerprints and DNA should still be available .

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These so called thugs are nothing but cowards hiding nehind a bally, we have a saying in my city for scum like these RATS coz they know every rathole to hide in my heart goes out to the sabs but they stood their ground, when are these inbred morons going to realise its not going to be long before this turns fatal and necause their sooo thick doing somebody elses dirty work its them thats going to pay dearly with a long jail term WELL DONE SABS HOLD YOUR NERVE YOUR AMAZING, BRAVE 👍🩷👍🩷👍

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Truly shocking!! £300 coming your way after 2 February.

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Like the bash one of the those cowards over the head. That's why they hide their faces because they are balless cowards. God will get them in the end.

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I'd love to cut them from ear to ear the vile inbread varmin 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬

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Don't lower yourself Keven, we are better than that. They resort to violence because they are losing the fight and they know it. The sabs are beating them without resorting to violence and they can't handle it.

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Jan 24, 2024
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Jan 24, 2024
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Fuck you you arrogant prick 🖕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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The Police won't do anything they are too busy being racist, misogynistic, rapists, murderers and thorough corrupt themselves.

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Quote from the sabs' facebook 'Understanding that the Cottesmore thugs were also in possession of weapons a 999-call had to be made. Making their way along the B676 towards Melton Mowbray our pursuers began to fall back probably realising that the police were coming the other way. Sabs met officers just outside Melton as others with blue lights flashing headed after the hammer wielding assailants. Sabs pulled off the road where statements were made to officers and a recovery vehicle was called to take us and our battered vehicle home.' Police appeared to respond to the weapon immediate threat 'with blue lights flashing' after the thugs. Hopefully they did get them then!

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Keep us up to date Rosemary it would be good to hear they caught these thugs

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I just picked up the link to their facebook page from the PTW report so I am afraid I don't really have any more knowledge to share than anyone else, but I am sure PTW will keep us updated.

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Absolutely disgusting! The hunting fraternity seem to be above the law.

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Donated but feel it's like patching them up to go back to the fray! Never want them to give up but I do fear for them, but I guess that's what the thugs are counting on. Will be looking out for Police reports and court dates!

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How much longer are these animals going to get away with this utter disregard for the law and how much longer they be allowed to follow such a heinous act killing innocent animals in the name of sport

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Please don't call them animals, they do not deserve that compliment.

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I completely agree. Animals are far better than humans. Please call them something else such as barbarians, monsters, scum etc.

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I really bloody hate it when evil thugs are referred to as " animals.". the other one i hate is when people say " you wouldnt treat a animal like it ". I have had Ponies, dogs, cats and chicken.... always loved to bits and had the best.

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Jen, I hope you were not offended by my point about 'animals'. I am sure it was probably a mis-type as we are all driven by passion and type first and think later! Glad you have joined us as you obviously are a great supporter and the more the merrier!

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So brave. These monsters should not be walking amongst us. I really do worry for the sabs as they have compassion and are fighting a great cause. These monsters are in it for the enjoyment of hurting, enjoying their pathetic power and most likely for money as well. A very dangerous concoction so I applaud you sabs and I pray you stay unharmed

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