Well done Northants Hunt Sabs ladies on getting that footage & helping expose this cruelty & thuggery. You are extremely brave (as are all sabs) for putting yourselves on the line

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Everything these gutless ball bags do is illegal.

They need to be incarcerated for a very long time. Huge fines in place and banned from keeping any animals . I do hope you wonderfull protectors of our Wild life are okay and will continue to stand up to these jumped up ass holes.

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Well! Just proves what horrible people they are to be hunting in the first place. Well done! To the Northants Hunt Sabs for being so brave! You are all true heroes!!

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Wow what tough guys the spineless B - - - - - ds should be totally ashamed of themselves and i bet they think of themselves as real men they are each and everyone of them nothing but real shit's scum of the earth 😡😡

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Should this be in a national newspaper?? No Police...well of course not.

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The bravery of these women is staggering....as is the depravity of the thugs who attacked them. As for the hunt supporters who watched the attacks, they are beneath contempt

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Real tuff guys! Not! Wish I would of been there. We would see how tuff they are.

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Keep up the great work !

My heart goes out to you, so brave, hunts and their blood lust has always been despicable and I loathe any hunting or shooting, they get away it over and over again sadly..

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NHSabs, - you are saints! Publicised this should really do them damage! Have to send a donation for such bravery, - since you won't get the medals you deserve! Hope you are ok and recovered from that experience.

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They are so self entitled they aren’t able to see the tide turning against them, this kind of behaviour simply puts another nail in their collective coffins, keep up the great work retards! Another amazing and courageous stand by the legends on the ground. I can feel the momentum building by the day. 💪

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The judges who judge these crimes are probably huntsmen themselves.

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Wow i bet these scumbags go home and beat their other halves up what a load of gutless pathetic COWARDS and really matching puffa jackets 🤣🤣 says it all really braindead beyond belief, pickin on women now if these toe rags were near my neck of the woods i can 100% gaurentee they,d have hit the pavement before blinking we dont allow thuggery towards any female, well done to the sabs hearts of a lion sharing this total admiration for you all stay safe and bless you all 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

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Who are those f-ing bastards??? They should really be ashamed of themselves, do they think they are heroes NO WAY!!! KARMA WILL HIT THEM VERY HARD WHEN THEY ARE NOT WAITING FOR IT, MY GOODNESS, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SUCH, WELL I WONT CALLED THEM PEOPLE???

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How sweet they have matching jackets, pathetic excuse for humans. My admiration goes to the brave souls who do this week after week to protect our wildlife. If there is justice then these scumbags will get what they deserve. Imagine being married to one of those or having one in your family!! I’d be so ashamed to be related to a man who attacked a woman. I hope this footage makes it to local social media where they might be recognised. Presumably they treat the women in their lives the same way. Rot in hell vile cowards.

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Well done to all the sabs . I wish that we could nominate for bravery awards . This is true selfless courage .

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Well done for the helpless innocent animals ,and my pleasure ,that you do this for them.

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