He calls himself a man of God?? Never in this world should this man be blessing the barbaric sadistic ripping apart of one of Gods creatures. Sinful all of the humans involved in hunting. One day the question will be asked by the very God he is supposed to represent,

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There is a group of about 50 clergymen or so in the Church of England who have set up their own hunting group which is deplorable. I once knew a clergyman who regularly hunted hares with a beagle pack and honestly believed that God blessed him in this. Talk about misguided and cruel. Needless to say l don’t have any contact with this chap at all now.

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I didn't know this, however, I'm not surprised. Evil lurks in all of society and religions usually commit the worst! Sick.

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Yes hiding behind the church you could say

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100% correct Vanessa!!

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If this is fact they represent the wrong side, The side we are taught to reject. Evil is not what good people embrace

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A read of the God Delusion is interesting. I’m afraid I lost all my faith in religion as a child.

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I would never call a believer delusional, Each human has a right to their faith or no faith we are all entitled to free thought. Although that may not last much longer if UKs Delusional PM stays in No 10

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No indeed not, and his love for and respect of those nasty Zionists in Israel that he rallied to last week is an example, and the congratulations to, and eagerness to discuss economics with the mad President only a few days ago is proof he really shouldn't be there.

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Hope the Sabs know them!

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Anyone reading this now, please scroll down to Peter Sowerbury's comment right at the end of messages. He needs support from us!

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Brilliant David, well done. I expect PTW will pick up on it too. Well done Peter for exposing this! It must not go unchallenged!

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Thank you for letting us know Rosemary 👍❤️!!

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I find that quite unbelievable. but I am sure your right.

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All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful:

The Lord God made them all.

And the hunts rip them all apart.

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That say's it all, I will quote that hymn, when i can email the nasty vicar,if that's o k

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Yes that’s fine, go for it. Good idea. It would be good to know if the hypocrite responds.

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I think he looks like a Roman Catholic priest. Jesus Christ was against killing animals so why is this priest advocating killing hares?

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He's sick and In with that motley crew , the. " stuck up ones arses "crowd. Makes me sick

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I looked up this church and it is definitely Church of England. Although I agree that he looks like a Catholic Cardinal a bit in those vestments.

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Whatever he's in. He's horrid cruel and evil 🤮

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True but why blame the wrong set of people for something they are not guilty of?

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Yes. But how do U know even ?

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He's Anglican, I've researched the church involved, it's apart of the Church of England, which is basically a Hunting ring at this point.

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Please forgive me if I am wrong here Susie Bowers, but didn't Jesus eat lamb and fish in the bible? Not trying to start a fight here or anything, I am just confused.

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Not a very Christian attitude - All creatures great & small !!

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As I said - Church in league with the devil!

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Yes. Agree

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Sad that I’m not at all surprised by this religious person condoning cruelty.. just read that the arch bishop of Canterbury was considering resigning over the vile vicar who abused children his whole life and fled to Africa to evade conviction with his wife. If the church turn a blind eye to this what chance to animals have?

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Shame on you Reverend Canon Richard Hancock, No excuses for this deplorable sport.

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Nov 9Edited

I agree! So called "sport".

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Blessing the killing of innocent animals!! and the way they are killed !!, he needs to find another job 😡

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What like in a slaughter house and what they do to,animals there ? ,it's carnage and evil too. Sickening evil cruelty . Cos what he's doing here is the sorta person he is sick

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What a disgrace 😒

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I sincerely hope this man gets boycotted by his congregation. Absolutely sick.

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Boycotted Steve, more than that! What he needs is to know what it's like to face the congregation walking in with a length of rope and a portable gallows.

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These do gooders are the pits. No time for religious guff.

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I have no time for them either Larraine.

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Disgrace indeed out of order even blessing hound taught to kill ugh

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Evil. That's what he is

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Let him be attacked by lions, see how he likes it

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Yes throw him to the lions. And many others too

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The behaviour of this clergyman makes me sick and moves me further from organised religion.He is condoning cruelty and supporting criminals .

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“Bloodsports” by the Style Council sums up this vicars actions. Give it a listen. What a hypocrite 😡

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Hypocrite! So a loving God would be okay with sentient creatures being terrified then torn apart?

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