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In an ideal world we would be able to set mantraps to get gamekeepers , dukes , shooters, fox hunters and all these other involved sub-humans.

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Oh I wish 😪

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Jan 27, 2024
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Oh really, Jon, get off your pious soap box and defend these poor wretched wild animals.

If you were in a prison camp and about to be executed in a few days would you not kill the guards in order to escape?


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I think he just did that (defend animals), didn't he?

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That is what all decent human beings wan!

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The animal torturers now call snares, " humane cable restraints ". Goebbels would be impressed with their abuse of language

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Anyone with a ounce of humanity would not use these death traps. Doug you are a star for standing up against these evil scum for the wildlife.🦊🦌🦡🐇

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A Channel 4 documentary on this would be very welcome! TV that gets it's facts straight!

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Great idea Rosemary.

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The shocking part is the police collusion and harassment of an ordinary citizen who has the temerity to challenge a hugely wealthy sadist who has his snout in the public trough. All the best Doug...I've bought a lottery ticket for Tuesday....fingers crossed then I could fund your fight.

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Fantastic news, what a hero. Alas in this country the law is on the side of the wrong doer (the guilty) and those who try to uphold the law and especially those who campaign and fight to protect our precious (rapidly dwindling) wildlife are vilified and treated like criminals themselves. I am unreservedly grateful to all those people who go above the call of duty and take on these evil people, I do believe the tide has turned and more results like this will definitely send out a message to these idiots that maybe their days are numbered and that justice will at last be done and our wildlife safer from threats.

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disgraceful, we clearly have a 2 tier law system. It has to stop

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Disgraceful. Maybe the West Sussex police were blinded by an aristocratic title. Frightening to hear that our police force are not to be trusted and perhaps sycophants as well. Perhaps that admiration should go towards Doug. he deserves a medal and the atrociously cruel implements to trap animals along with ridiculous titles of old. Should both be consigned to the history books. West Sussex Police I pray you rectify your wrongs, us humble taxpayers, pay your wages. Just the word snare makes my blood run cold. Well done Doug and I am so sorry you have had to go through so much hell doing what we should all be doing which is protecting all animals

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I agree.... I think it does have something to do with the upper classes lording it over the constabulary and it appears to be highly corrupt.... what do we need to do to end it?? I'm not a British citizen (half so as my mother was a Londoner) but I've always loathed fox hunting.... it's a national disgrace 😞

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I have every sympathy for Doug.This use of snares is disgusting and should be banned by law,

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Yes, well we all know whose side the Police are on...they are not our friends, unless large amounts of money are seen to appear in the Police Benevolent Fund from animal lovers, forget justice, it's a sham.

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Bless this man's heart! He is a hero and animal saviour and has my support all the way! I only wish I lived near there so I could come and help him in setting those beautiful creatures free and stopping others from being trapped and harmed in the first place! I am afraid I don't really like or trust "national parks" now ever since I read on the guide for an episode about the new forest stating that the rangers "cull" (in other words, mass murder) the deers!!! I was outraged and speechless! The poor deers and other animals aren't even safe in the places that are meant to be "safe havens" for them!! (My mother and I always thought when I was very young that "gamekeepers" and rangers protect and care for the animals in the area but when my mother and I saw a program once with either a "gamekeeper" or ranger walking through the woods with a gun and holding a poor deceased animal (I hate even writing those words) in his hands, we turned it over immediately and my mother's and my opinion changed completely and the more I read about them, the more I since learned that they are animal murdered, not protectors in my eyes!) It left me thinking "I just wish that I could buy acres of forests so I could ensure no animal there ever gets killed"!! If I had the money, I would.

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Sorry, meant to say "animal murderers" not "animal murdered"

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Me to CARA, I have a very deep "HATRED" for any "KILLERS" of our U K wildlife and all animals/wildlife worldwide, some humans are "SICK".

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I am completely the same and I completely agree!

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This duke prooves that inbreeding spawns abnormal people such as animal torturers

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The guys a bloody hero 🩷

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He certainly is is. !!!

Ban traps and snares forever and name it the

" DOUG MAW LAW". A fitting tribute to a animal hero,

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So you can be taken to court for humanely and compassionately releasing beautiful animals from evil snares but get away scot free for the sheer thuggery of attacking sabs and damaging their belongings. Now tell me every man is equal in the eyes of the law - who are they trying to kid?!

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I thought snares were illegal, how in hell has a deer got caught in a "legally laid" trap he needs prosecuting, even if there was no physical damage, what about the mental terror? Again, money and position counts. WHY, HOW? And how has someones bank card been used whilst being held by police??? Something stinks. Why havent this sabs personal possessions been returned too if hes been exonerated???? Surely keeping them amounts to theft? Bent cops??? Again, something not right. If i had seen a creature in a trap, whatever sort, i would have done my utmost to free it. Anyone with a shred of decency and a heart would. Above the law yet again??? Sure sounds that way.

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