Jan 21Liked by Protect the Wild

I am absolutely delighted about this.

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As are we!

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I can only hope they are given the harshest sentences possible. What is wrong with these vile miscreants ?

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with the corrupt "JUDGES" and "M P s" who LOVE "BLOODSPORTS" i doubt it.

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You may be right but I hope not

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It might be kinder. Being baited might be a longer and more painful death.

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What is "kind" about the hunt???

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deletedJan 21
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The foxes are bloodthirsty. They eat rabbits, hares and baby goats.

Probably also baby sheep. Those animals are all vegetarian. They do not deserve to get eaten by a fox. Hare coursing is worse as hares are harmless. Discussion over. Over and out.

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I did not know that the fox kills and eats for "FUN" as a "BLOOD SPORT", how can you compare "NATURE" with people "KILLING" wildlife as a "SPORT", you do not seem to understand life by your "STUPID" comments, yes you are "OVER and OUT" of this "PLANET"

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What a ridiculous, and inaccurate, comment. You should be embarrassed to promote such views, using such language. 'Baby sheep'? They are called lambs, ffs. What evidence do you have that foxes have ever attacked, much less killed, a lamb? Even the most rabid fox hater ie Clarkson doesn't use that as an excuse.

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And who are you to criticise my language if you are saying fff's.

Is that really nice language to be using in a public webpage.


It is difficult to tell if people are being unkind to these people because they are jealous of their wealth. They must be fairly comfortable to own horses and must also be animal lovers. It is also British Culture so please leave them alone. Nobody likes harassment so leave them be to go about their lives..

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Bear baiting was once "British culture" as was once the slave trade. Are you saying you agree with these? Also, how can anyone claim to be "animal lovers" but enjoy seeing them be torn to shreds? Would you say you a child lover but enjoy seeing children being killed? I apologise if I have got your comments wrong here but the way you are/were speaking sounds almost like you are agreeing with hunting and a supporter of it saying it is "British tradition"? Have I got that wrong? (P.S. I am British and I want to see this bloodsport properly abolished once and for all so "British culture" is not a worthy argument for this to continue at all)!

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

“British Culture”? Are you joking? I’m British and resent and strongly object to that description; I genuinely support your right to express your own personal opinion, but respectfully this is not part of our culture whatsoever! How can it be when it is such an old fashioned, ugly practice carried out by only a very tiny percentage of the population? It is a barbaric, cruel, unnecessary outdated and illegal activity and it should have been stamped out a long time ago. If you knew anything about Protect The Wild, you would understand that we are only here for our love of wildlife, and jealousy is the last thing on our minds (I was surprised anyone could think such a thing, how could anyone be jealous of people who are capable of such monstrosity and sadism?). Funnily enough, the foxes don’t like “harassment” much either, and would also like to be left “to go about their lives”.

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It seems you have a spare f, but as I don't give a f for your opinion, you can keep it.

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I did reply to the comment you sent me at about 2.41 pm. I do not know exactly where it went but you should be able to find it somewhere.

I am not enjoying this subject of things and replied without making sure i replied to you.

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Great news.Grateful for all the hunt Sabs do.

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Heartbreaking to read that another FOX has been taken . Thankyou to all of the SABs that caught these vile specimens on horseback. FOR FOX SAKE, please let in be a punishment to fit the crime. How dare that jamie price destroy our countryside and cause suffering to the animals.

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Their days are numbered great.

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I sincerely hope that you are right.

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Thank you to all those brave, fearless people who bring murderers to the news. Always a supporter and very proud to be so. Poor mites persecuted for so long. What a terrible, evil thing to do. Could someone inform the British R F to bear this in mind. Shooting is rotten also.

Take one life be prepared to forfeit one too.

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I don't think foxes need to be persecuted in this way. I counted ten dead foxes driving home from Norwich to Kings Lynn...

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That could have something to do with the icy weather. Sad really.

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deletedJan 21
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It is sad to think they might not survive a winter.

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deletedJan 21
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I'm sure there's much logic in your argument. I think most of us want to preserve/enhance/save the environment and its biodiversity - that is not antithetical to "senseless slaughter" and unkindness to animals. Rather the opposite!

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I meant - "I'm NOT sure there's much logic" Please take first mistype out if mind!!

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deletedJan 21
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Your choice of being vegetarian, omnivorous or carnivorous is nothing to with how wild animals need to live - though of course livestock farming and other activities do impact their environment massively. And I should have said considered intelligent care for the environment rules OUT senseless slaughter. Wanting to preserve wildlife and stop plastic pollution is all on the same page!

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Well done! Fox hunting is still allowed in Ireland where I live and the guardai close their eyes to farmers using poison bait to kill them. Sickening.

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Thanks for your truthful post. Same here in Scotland. The polis are onside with the wealthy english. Aye. It's polical. Same auld rich bastards

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Fantastic work SAF. Very well done and thank you to you and all Hunt sabs and monitors across the land who are saving lives and exposing the hunts evil and nefarious activities. Sadly the punishment won’t fit the crime but hopefully the accused will at least end up with a criminal record and be ostracised by many in their local community. It’s up to All of us to keep the pressure on in whatever way we can to bring about an end to hunting with dogs.

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I hope so.

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Well done everybody. Only hope he gets his deserved prison sentence for knowingly breaking the law. I bet he only gets a conditional discharge due to weak judges, thats why there is NO deterrent for these VILE pieces of CRUEL shit that continue to break the law

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Despicable creatures; cannot refer to them as human beings. I'd love to see them treated as they treat 'wildlife'.

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Same here!

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Well done for bringing crimes of hunt and its continued existence to light.

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Great arrested their days are numbered.

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Thankyou for stopping these creeps as best you can from killing our foxes. I have donated to you today. Bravo!!

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Much thanks and respect to the super hero monitors ❤️👍

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Good !! poor fox :(

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The only thing we demand is the Truth and Justice for the animals, Prosecution and Sentencing only will be acceptable if this country deserves the reputation of being "a nation of animal lovers". Arrest is not enough and we will be watching!

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