Hopefully one day the way they treat animals will happen to them

The father can go the same way with them. The world is over populated, there's no room at all for the likes of them.

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All 3 (the 2 brothers and the father) should be given the death sentence and go to hell! Just like Jim Gough said below, to high I completely agree with, "the world is overpopulated" and we don't want or need scumbags like these here!

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I met residents of Auch Glen in 1967 when as 16 year olds I and a friend tried to hike up Beinn Heasgarnich at the top of the glen.

A group of ķnickerbockered men suddenly appeared over the summit, pointed their rifles at us, explained the workings of soft-nosed bullets and shouted at us to get the hell off their land. We tried to explain that we were Scots and this was our land but we had no choice but to bow to superior force and retreat.

John Wedderburn.

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We need to get into the minds of these deficient people and work on an admission of failure. Then, if they can reform, ask them to be advocates for change.

Not an unknown or unique situation...I live in hope 🏁

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Of course it was murder! How can it be anything else? The courts are far too lenient. This sort of case is why people want to bring back hanging!!!

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Evil psycho scum.

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This is no justice given by this pathetic sentence. Truly evil. And as another Vanessa so rightly said, evil, psycho, scum.

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Hang them!

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