Good news for a change. This barbaric cruelty is a crime against nature and must be banned for ever !!

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This is absolutely brilliant news!!! Well done to the hunt sabs and Scotland!!!! Now, all hunts need to fold everywhere! After reading this, I just thought that I might mention it here (I hope no one has any objections to me putting the below on here but if you have any objections, please let me know and I will remove the below information from this site), To try and help end hunting with dogs for good, I myself have just started a parliamentary petition for all dogs to be mandatorily muzzled when out hunting/exercising. I completely know that it is never the dog's fault, they are one of the innocents in hunts and I know how sadistically evil and barbaric "hunts" treat their dogs and the "hunting of mammals bill" would effectively end that but the "government" and officials just don't want to listen and I saw a petition like this on Care2petitions and thought to myself that if all foxhounds/dogs had to be muzzled by law when out hunting/exercising with hunts, then it would put a stop to all the killing as the hunts wouldn't be interested in doing them if they couldn't kill, hopefully finally putting an end to the killing and causing the hunts to fold and if the government doesn't endorse this, then the government is effectively saying that they agree with fox hunting and are fully aware that foxhunting still goes on and they are happy for it too. After all, they are forcing XL bully dogs to be muzzled everywhere in public by law because they are supposedly "dangerous" (something I don't agree with but won't get into it here), then why not hunting dogs who have killed numerous foxes and innocent family pets like Mini the cat? (under the hunts control of course, not the dogs free will) Then, and only then, would "trial hunting" be what hunts and the government foolishly "claim to be'. Why would hunts and the government be against not implementing this if they had nothing to hide basically? But I need at least 5 supporters to sign the below before it can be considered by parliament and then go live first. If you would like to sign, it is below:

My petition:

"To have all dogs used by hunts mandatorily muzzled when out exercising/hunting

"Despite the "ban" on fox hunting in 2004, foxes still frequently continue to be torn to pieces by hounds and family pets such as Mini have been killed by hounds being "exercised". Nothing has changed since 2004! The hunts are to blame for this but Muzzling those dogs will help stop the killing.

https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/cornish-hunt-master-guilty-over-6335311 https://protectthewild.org.uk/wildlife/mammals/fox-facts/fox-hunting-faq/what-happens-to-hounds-from-previous-seasons/ https://savemetrust.co.uk/2020/11/15/know-you-hunts-and-amend-the-act/ https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/07/19/britains-most-vile-and-sordid-secret-fox-cubbing https://www.itv.com/news/2023-02-22/family-left-appalled-after-pack-of-hounds-kill-fox-in-their-private-garden

Click this link to sign the petition: (or entering it into a web browser might work if you can't click on it)


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Signed. Site said it needed five names to go live and you now have nine.

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Thank you Sarah Tobias! The petitions parliament are now checking it before it can go live! Thank you all so much!

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Signed happily.

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Thank you Jenny!

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Signed petition

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Thank you Marjorie Howley!

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Thank you Trevelyan!

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It’s about time we need these vile humans being brought to justice

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Very good news, but the very, very best news will be when they have all folded, a proper ban enforced to prevent them restarting and a police force and CPS that prosecutes with long jail sentences anyone who dares to try it again.

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Presumably it is not the hunt’s fault if, while on a ‘clean boot’, the pack accidentally comes across a fox. Sounds a lot like trail hunting.

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What good news to start the day with

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Good news. Hoping for more. Sign Caras petition above, it's a good idea to muzzle dogs. If the hounds were then, maybe is another step to total ban. Even though hunting is illegal. Ffs. It is good to see anger and despair here. I feel this too.

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Excellent news.

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Made my day ❤️ 👍

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I’ll be even happier when hunting is banned everywhere so our wildlife can live in peace, and the scum who’ve hunted animals rot in hell.

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Well done to all those who have worked so hard to prevent this cruel sport.

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Thank You

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I sent the open letter to the person concerned, re an anti hunting law, he replied saying these emails against hunting should be going to DEFRA and as a non constituent he doesnt want me to email him about this subject!

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Typical polaticion pass the onus onward 😡

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When a Hunt folds, what do they do with the hounds? Kill them, as they would have done to the beagle I helped rescue.

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Tye news gets better another murderous tribe of hooray henrys bites the dust hip hip horar i say old chap what shall we do now ha ha get a proper life dirtbags and stop terrorising animals 🦊1 scumbags 0

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