Pray the incoming government has an iota of common sense and bins the cull completely!

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Nadger culling should never ever be considered a option people that consider it are evil inject the cattle sod the farmers and their profits and dont vote for any party that even considers it

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Good at least the badgers will be saved during this period. We need to protect all wildlife.

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The surprise election at least gives badger protectors a head start to try & get them more help & support


Just a little update, because I personally hate the persecution of such a beautiful creature, the badger.

I was talking to a retired 85 year old farmer relative of mine recently and he was absolutely busting a gasket on how badgers are a 'scourge' and spread TB to cattle and all should be shot, because they do nothing to contribute to the countryside in a positive way.

I was so angry and aghast at his arrogance & only stopped myself raging at him because of respect for his age..

I did ask myself this very question once I'd calmed down from his bigotry ..

What do badgers contribute to the countryside in a positive way?

Well with all credit to the badger trust uk

www.badgertrust.org.uk and this is what I learned from their website and I quote 'Badgers maintain and regenerate soil health through foraging and sett building, and they help to disperse seeds through their dung. They create new habitats for amphibians, invertebrates and pollinators, small mammals, plants and fungi, and their setts provide refuge for other wildlife too.'

Credit to the Badger Trust UK

All I can say is WOW as I didn't know all of that but I'm sure glad I educated myself on that..

So much for this 85 year old retired farmer I know that's totally arrogant & thinks he knows it all. I'm ashamed to be honest as he is a distant relative of mine so now I need to find a way of getting him to understand what badgers really do in the eco chain of the countryside.

Thank you and credit to the badger trust for this useful information on badgers and their positive role in our countryside

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Well done you! Always good to do the research to rebuff accusations and arm yourself with knowledge. Farmers will always tell you they know more about the countryside than anyone else. Not true. They only know and see what suits THEIR purpose, and then try to 'educate' everyone else to their way of thinking. Do visit him, I'm not quite that old but age is no excuse for such an arrogant closed mind!

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I absolutely agree Rosemary, and I shall somehow broach the subject again with him the closed mind bigot. The badgers need us to keep trying to change this kind of ignorance from a lot of these farmers and also the general public

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very accurate description of DEFRA (DeathRA): the government department working on behalf of the hunting, shooting, farming and fishing industries

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The Tories do not stand a chance because we have had 14 years of incredible incompetence and even lies!

The badgers will be saved!

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I lost my resident badger.. Bertie to give him dignity, on Sunday after seeing him eating Saturday night. Turns out he was approx a year old and had a broken shoulder. South Manchester Badger Group, Mum and daughter, absolutely amazing, so grateful for their help and knowledge. It’s devastated me…. He was a wild animal but had taken up residence in my garden, I was honoured, I wasn’t aware as I had a cat shelter. He must have been in terrible pain. So upsetting, as I write this, but they have no voice. What all of you are doing is amazing and I’m proud to be amongst you

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I'm surprised there's any badgers left to murder !! They know it's not the badgers who cause the the cows to get TB, we know it and they know it and so do the farmers !!! Leave the beautiful animals alone !!!!

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badgers are lovely creatures always welcome in to my garden and the foxes and hedge hogs.

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We can’t

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Derbyshire Against the Cull demo Saturday 1st June 1pm in Ashbourne

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Thansk for letting us know Sue - great group. We'll give this a mention on social media :)

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We meet at Shawcroft car park, Ashbourne, Derbyshire at 1pm tomorrow (1 June). Thanks Charlie

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Why, why, i wonder, when so much stink is kicked up about animal welfare, on every level, and every type of animal be it pets, wild, farm, have i heard nothing from any party regarding this. MPs are elected to represent the people of the country concerned, i must have signed thousands of peritions re abuse, cruelty, murder, and i am just one. What about the millions of others? Open your ears and eyes, politicians, listen to the people

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We are run by "F****** morons" in the U K , how on earth can "WE" "WIPE OUT A COMPLETE SPECIES" of wildlife, yes, we need our milk, but not to the "COST" of killing off a "SPECIES", i'ts "F******" madness, the human race, will one day soon be extinct, "BOY", do "WE" deserve it, "PISSED OFF BRIT"

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Whilst I'm in full favour of a ban on this loathsome cull, and welcome this reprieve, to suggest that Labour will actually prove to be a better government is something I cannot agree with. There are several hugely important reasons as to why Starmer's party is a bad move for our country which aren't really relevant to discuss here, but the fact that I wouldn't trust him to keep his 'promise' of a ban is one worth mentioning. And may I just point out that the Animal Welfare (Live Exports) Act received Royal Assent on Monday 20th May - and this vitally important and long fought for ban has become a reality under a Tory government.

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I have been trying to discover if a loophole exists to transport animals by road to Ireland (EU) and then on by sea? Also, are horses covered by this? There is an equally wicked system for transporting them for meat, yet they may not come under the 'farmed animals' umbrella. I have twice asked about this from Compassion in World Farming but have not yet received a response as they seem to be so busy celebrating. Of course I am pleased for the farm animals but can only truly celebrate when the fine details are exposed; that's always where the devil is!

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Rosemary well put im sure these evil farmers who put profit over compassion will also find a loophole and i think your correct in saying horses may not come under that safety umberella if theres a profit to make from misery you can guarentee a farmer will find a loophole so what now a vile horsemeat trend to profit from instead of pigs,sheep x cows 🥊🥊🥊keep on fighting for all abused animals

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Am I the only one who had all her petition attempts returned marked Postmaster Undeliverable.....???...

Did try to email Protect the Wild direct to say this but heard nothing more.....

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Hi...that Steve Reed, DEFRA. Link letter comes back "post master undeliverable"....is this only me???...help please!!..Jane .. janemanem@hotmail.co.uk

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