I don’t have the words to describe the admiration for the full and thorough investigative work you guys do, individually and collaboratively you are all brilliant and I feel much more able to tackle the issues of hunting with people I talk to having read your pages. Proud to be a small part of this growing group of compassionate people.

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That fucking "SCUM" "HODGSON" should be made to swallow his own supply of "POISON", the piece of "MURDERING SHIT AND HIS COHORTS", are a disgrace to the "HUMAN RACE", for "CHRIST BLOODY SAKE" these "SICK WILDLIFE COWARDLY KILLERS " murdering natures most "AMAZING" "BEAUTIFUL" creatures, should be hunted down and "SHOT", now, that would be worth a "BULLET", how fucking "BRAVE" they are, the only "BRAVE" people are the "GOOD" "DECENT" "WILD ANIMAL LOVERS" the "SABS AND MONITORS", who do a "FANTASTIC JOB" now they are "WORTHY HUMAN BEINGS", I can only help with small money payments, but at 85years and disabled, I am pleased to help, so please all you "ANIMAL/WILD ANIMAL" lovers "DO WHAT YOU CAN", to help, It breaks my heart, knowing of the "MASSACRE" of "OUR WILDLIFE", "IT MUST STOP".

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Brilliant! Justice is served. Hopefully this will deter these cruel, unthinking morons from making the same mistake in the future.

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This is a very good conviction that should send fear across the shooting fraternity, as lets face it, they are all guilty, it is about being caught! Unannounced spot checks in all potential 'hiding places' would be useful to ALL shooting estates! Poison suits their purpose as it goes through the food chain. Crows, foxes, anything that will eat carrion will suffer secondary poisoning if the poor originally poisoned birds are left available, which may have been the plan! Thank goodness for that member of public! I must ask the question though, why, especially when RSPB are involved, are convictions involving the shooting industry more severe than convictions for fox hunting? Surely the hunt is liable as a whole, and the MFH in charge of the day is equally guilty and perhaps if he was personally heavily fined, there would be far fewer 'accidents' chasing live foxes, or greater control of hounds, or any other excuse they get away with! I would imagine the funny handshakes are also shooters as well as hunters. If only we had an effective RSPCA, that might help!

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Good news, another conviction! I hope the fine and the criminal record is enough to stop him doing it again.

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So evil….how can these people think nothing of doing this to a bird of prey….heartbreaking

Not a care about which creature will take their bait and suffer the pain of being poisoned….its absolutely horrendous.

The farm should have been shut down not just fined and the company director sacked.

Many thanks to the member of the public who reported this…and to the police for taking action.

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Great article, Charlie. Although it’s heartbreaking and sickening to read about poisoning of any birds especially raptors, it’s good to hear that prosecutions have been successful. I hope these fines send out messages to all the shooting estates, although I wish the Company Director had been imprisoned to really get the message home.

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Poisoning Raptors for 'game'. Hodgson should have also been fined £40,000...and/or done some jail time.

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