Evil looking at us. I think because there is soft justice. This monster is dangerous. You can see anger. Prison with hard men would sort him out. Coward

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In any other profession being convicted and having a criminal record would result in that person having difficulty in finding employment in that field. The fact that Woodward was then employed by the Heythrop hunt, surely pours water on any claims they make to trail hunt! What a joke.

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What a pitiful fine. Should have been thousands and a non suspended jail sentence with his record of cruelty and GBH and making threats of murder.

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Fabulous credit to the sabs. Well done

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It it was up to me these evil psychos would have the same cruelty done to them as they do the poor animals they persecute and murder. They are no use to society.

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WHY OH WHY is the "law" so soft on these evil, cruel, heartles grinning thugs??? Its supposed to be there for protection. Its not protecting those innocent creatures, its protecting the barbarians torturing and murdering them. A fine??? Grinning again. Put them to work, day release from a long prison sentence, with animal lovers, see what "life" would be like, hopefully like the animals they hunt. This country needs to pull its finger out, give out some real sentences. Get sentences increased. Protect who it os supposed to protect, THE INNOCENT, NOT THE GUILTY.

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Hi Ann. I may be teaching you to suck eggs, but we get asked this question a lot: why are fines and sentences for these crimes so low? The simple reason is that laws (and the punishments provided for them) are made by politicians - that is literally what they're in parliament to do - and parliament has a long, long history of being dominated by landowners who hunt and shoot. The House of Lords is rotted through with them. We wrote recently about two shooting estate owners being put into Defra, While there is some creativity in really difficult cases, judges really only interpret the laws written in Parliament and the sentences as laid down by Parliament. I went to four Parliamentary debates in 2022/2023 - the same politicians reading scripts wrtten by the CA or BASC turned up to each one and shot down sensible proposals over eg snares. Until the country elects politicians that want there to be laws and punishments that reflect our anger little will change. I do think that time will come, though. Many more of us know now how ineffective a deterrent our laws are, and how gamekeepers and terriermen and thier ilk are getting away with so much. Change takes time, but its coming. Happy Holidays :)

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Because the Bench in the Court are country life supporters and will only be forced to inflict heavy sentences if Judicial Legislation makes them do so.

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This sub human is clearly a psychopath and should be locked up permanently . He is a danger to both animals and decent people .

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Excellent News. I applaud all Sabs for protecting our wildlife from this appalling cruelty.

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He’s a deranged vile waste of space who’s ego is so big . He’s a well known 💩 and will end up where he belongs,behind bars !!

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"In his memoir, (blood-drenched) Tony Blair even admitted that he had deliberately sabotaged the Hunting Act with exemptions and loopholes."

"Socialist" wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I find this absolutely disgusting and there should be more of a penalty for ripping an innocent animal apart it actually sickens me .

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It actually is a criminal offence of cruelty to animals each time they seize a fox and deliberately give it to hounds. We will get there sooner or later.

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Checked the link given, will the potentially incoming Labour Party be any better than Blair? https://www.fwi.co.uk/farm-life/fox-hunting-ban-deliberately-sabotaged-says-blair?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I can see the "ARROGANCE" in the face of that piece of "SHIT" "WOODWARD", the "COWARDLY" "WOODWARD" should be taken "OUT", a long fall off a "CLIFF", a "VERY" long "CLIFF, would be good to hear his "SCREAMS" all the way down, he will be used to screams of the "WILD ANIMALS" he "MURDERS" the "FUCKING" lump of "SUB HUMAN" "SICK" "PERVERTED" lump of "VOMIT", our "LEADERS" of the "UK" and around the world are "COMPLICIT" to all the "KILLING/MURDERS" of our most "AMAZING" "BEAUTIFUL" "WILDLIFE", "THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO HARM OUR NATURES CREATURES" who do the "FUCK" think they are, "SCUM OF THE EARTH", "HATE THEM".

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Has he been sentenced?

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Why couldn't Hunts implement hunting by using a drag? They would get the same thrill, and no foxes would be harmed.

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I grew up in Africa , we used to have fantastic hints over the open bushveldt . We had a master with a red coat , huntsmen , the " hounds' were a couple of teenagerst from the local Pony Club . We started off with a stirrup cup , chased a paper trail laid out by the huntsmen a couple of days earlier and generally had a fantastic time . No animals were harmed. This is what hunting could be in this country .

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