Trail hunting in all its forms must end, and the criminals that continue to kill foxes should be jailed and given mental health screening and help This would appear to be the only way they will learn to change. Lets hope the Torries lose their influence as the public have had enough of their chaos in all its forms. There should be no more generations of children taught to devastate nature like this and it would be good if they die out completely in the coming decade or so.

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The law clearly needs toughening up and enforcing robustly. Hunting is sick calling it sport is disgraceful

It is killing a wild creature for killings' sake and as such says much about the mindset of those who do it. Why not just drag hunt?

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Yet another corrupt police force I believe! How much are they being paid by the hunters?

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Here we go again the police turning a blind eye to this is despicable, yet again these scumbag hooray snobs of scumbaghall getting away with it again as its put the laws an ass and these rats need to realise you cant keep all coppers in your pocket! Evidence was submitted so WHY has this gone unpunished?? Coroupt coppers plainly

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How despicable how dam right cruel !! Nothing normal at all about these blood thirsty scum !! Pure evil !

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Utterly disgusted by this clear law breaking, look at the faces of those two on horseback distracting themselves from the kill, what sort of vile human could enjoy this. I wish I knew where that woman lived I might be forced to confront her, she, like an innocent fox, looks like an easy target.

These acts are what we expect from the hunting community, what is the most shameful is that the police, who are paid by us, do not do their jobs, in most work places not doing your job gets you sacked, clearly not the case here. Shame on them for supporting criminality.

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Pure evil. these people will pay for inflicting unnecesaary pain and cruelty on innocent defenseless animals!

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This is the response I got from the council. At least they replied.

Good morning,

Apologies for the delay in replying.

The Council has not directly received a request for consent to hunt with hounds on land within it's ownership for many years and does not currently issue any Licences for Trail Hunting. This is probably explained by the fact that the Council is different from organisations such as the National Trust and Forestry England because it does not own large tracts of agricultural or forestry land which are 'in hand' or 'owner occupied'.

For land that the Council has let under agricultural tenancies, and in accordance with those tenancy agreements, the decision on whether to allow hunting rests with the individual tenants who will take a view based on their own individual circumstances. The majority of these tenancy agreements are longstanding without the ability for the Council to revoke this provision.

If a request to hunt with hounds were to be received it would be dealt with by the relevant Council department in the same way as any other request for a public gathering or organised activity. The granting of such a consent would require the submission of risk assessments, proof of public liability insurance and consultation with any other relevant departments such as Highways.

Likewise any complaints relating to disruption of the highway network by hunts or specific public safety concerns would be dealt with by the Council in the same way as any other similar complaint which it receives.


Democratic Services

Wiltshire Council

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Perhaps we need more "accidents" at these hunts. For example, redcoats getting sprayed with quantities of blood...

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