The only reason the hunt sabs and public are left to deal with the carnage and upset seeing these innocent dogs left to suffer unimaginable cruelty is the scum that enslave them dont give a flying shite what happens to them, its not these dogs fault not at all they are trained by mindless morons who take pleasure from a animals pain the sooner the hunting ban comes into force the sooner these morons get whats coming to them COWARDS

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Jan 4, 2024
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It would be worth it Fox red to give these shits a taste of their own medicine 🥊🥊🥊

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Devastating dog slaughter as well as foxes ! It's heart-breaking! I read the hunts have the nerve to try and blame sabs calling hounds across the roads when distracting them! Well now they can't blame sabs for this kind of evidence. If more Police took the same action it would be start (bit late for starting, but better than never!) Well done to the kind sabs and public involved in trying to help the poor dogs. What happened to the drivers?? Horse injuries are also more frequent than reported because of the way they are inconsiderately ridden. These injuries, especially to delicate tendons are usually diagnosed at stables with of course, unreported consequences, so we never know!

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These subhuman morons should be charged with neglect , cruelty and depraved indifference.

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Another great article which only helps to confirm what I have long suspected and that is that fox hunting is often not so much about fox hunting as about a public display of power, control and contempt by the elite chaps in the saddles. The fox hunting part is - ironically - a ‘smokescreen’ for this real purpose where the more death and mayhem there is the better the outing. The more the hunters feel they’ve confirmed their dominance over everyone else.

As long as the police are only prepared to guide the hunts towards a better ‘working practice’ - or however it was phrased in the article - rather than charge their leaders for obvious breeches of the law with regard to out-of-control dogs the hunters will do as they please with impunity.

Now if my dog ran amok on a main road ...

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Did these savages rub the poor dogs blood over their faces ? Nothing would supprise me?, they are not fit to have dogs , horses or any animals. Sadistic murderers the lot of them.

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Public safety is a huge issue with the hunts on the roads, not to forget the sabs who are routinely abused and equipment vehicles damaged and equipment stolen. Quads unlicensed, or reg nos disguised, alcohol also involved.

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Huntsmen and woman, are "SICK" in the "MIND" "SCUMBAGS" who have no "HEART" or SOUL" and "DEPRAVED" of any sense of "COMPASSION" towards any type of "WILDLIFE" or there own hounds, does that not "SURPRISE" us, how many times do we have to say "EARTH'S" wildlife is "AMAZING", "BEAUTIFUL", "MAGNIFICENT", etc etc, but these "BLOOD LUST" "COWARDS", even if they read this, they still prefer to see "WILDLIFE" "RIPPED" to pieces, because they like the DISGUSTING" "GORE", they thrive on it, they live for it, maybe we "ANIMAL" "WILDLIFE" "LOVERS", should ? have some ? "SYMPATHY"? (not really) because of their "DEPRAVED" "SICKNESS", then there is the "CORRUPT", members of the "ESTABLISHMENT", the "JUDGES"and (some) "POLICE", who all have bad eyesight, into what is going on, with the "MASSACRE" of our "WILDLIFE", no wonder my "HATRED" for these KILLERS", "MURDERERS" of "WILDLIFE" is so "STRONG".

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I know the road well , where the dogs were hit. Poor things. The driver must be in terrible shock . These idiots on horseback need to be punished. Arrogant , law breaking murderers. More police support needed.

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With the tenacity and determination of the legends on the ground and the amazing job PTW is doing supporting them all, as well as spreading the word about their heinous pastimes to the public, these entitled arses must be feeling the tide shifting against them. Great progress is being made, keep the pressure on, their days are numbered.

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And yet again these mindless monsters are in the spotlight. How in hell can they not realise hounds are missing, or dont they care? Sooner a complete ban is in place, the better. Trail hunting my arse, why would the hounds be running along railway lines getting killed, running into traffic getting killed, causing utter chaos??? Does it take a pile-up with countless human deaths??? Besides the needless deaths of these poor hounds at the hands of these careless cruel monsters. Besides shooting and disposing of like a used nappy. No love between hounds and hunters is there? And thpse poor defenceless hounds would probably give their lives for their "owners" When will this abomination end???

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