The death rattle of the BHSA is there for all to hear. It’s finally dawning on them that their veneer of protection provided by successive Tory governments is coming to an end and they don’t like it!

Of course they will fight tooth and mail and throw their entitled toys out of the pram when Labour legislate to ban this vile pastime, but please let the ban come soon. The foxes, hare and deer of England and Wales have suffered long enough. No justice, just us 💪

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And WE WILL NOT GIVE UP until abhorrent hunting is fully and properly stopped once and for all!! Typical, they act like spoilt little kids and want children and dogs at their "events" and yet they show no care towards shooting the poor dogs the second they start being "too slow or playful" for them!! The so called "countryside alliance" are also another one who spread lies and are trying to lobby Labour on this. The march for "restore nature now" is far more important, ethical and needed than anything those sadistically sick monsters think of doing to drum up support for their murders! Protect The Wild, is there anything we can do to help fight the "BHSA" and tackle their lies? Maybe do a PR event too to showcase their lies? Please keep going Protect The Wild!! You are amazing!!

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I am sending a link to this article to my Labour candidate Lloyd Hatton who has already promised me Labour will ban trail hunting, but I want to keep pushing things under his nose to ensure continued high profile of the matter, if he wants my vote, do the job!

Response already! Thank you Lloyd, must have been reading the comments too! Well done! LOL. I did mention I knew he was busy so no need to reply, just read it. Very pleased to get a response anyway! 'Lloyd Hatton

09:25 (1 minute ago)

to me

Hello Rosemary and Kerrie,

Thank you for sharing this article - I am determined to make sure an incoming Labour Government treats this issue - and animal welfare broadly - as a top priority.

And thank you for your support.

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All of the animals involved in this violent activity suffer - wildlife, the dogs and the horses. The animals are used as tools for cruel entertainment and a warped sense of entitlement. There is rising public awareness of the abuse of the hounds and terriers used by hunts. The end of the line for these animals when they are deemed of no use for hunting and killing wildlife , is not humane euthanasia by a vet. As we know the hunts tend to carry out their own version of euthanasia for their dogs. In relation to them exposing children to animal cruelty and killing and exploiting children in their marketing campaign , it is recognised in Childhood Development and in Child Education that children who are exposed to/involved in animal cruelty suffer emotional damage which can negatively impact their emotional development. (Cruel behaviours perpetuate from one generation to the next ). Hunts and adults who expose or involve children in intentional animal cruelty and/or killing animals, hunting, trapping, snaring, poisoning, shooting, should be charged with Child Abuse. It’s as simple as that. So far as the excuse made by trail hunts that any wild animal killed is ‘unintentional’/an ‘accident’, the number of these ‘incidents’ is too numerous to be classified as unintentional ‘accidents’. Yet another reason to ban the whole activity.

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Sick "BLOODSPORTS" scum, are planet earth's "EVIL" "SICK MINDED" "PERVERTS", no heart, no soul and no balls, I am waiting for reply from "POLITICAL PARTIES", to see who I will vote for, regarding the "DISGUSTING" "INHUMANE" banning of "ALL" "BLOODCURDLING" "BLOODSPORTS", what a sick race are we "HUMANS", (NO,NOT ALL), I hope I live to see all "BLOODSPORTS" banned.

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I honestly had no idea who I was going to vote for in this election as so many MP’s during my lifetime (I am 74 ) have been shown to cheat and lie. In my younger days I rather naively thought that MP’s chose to go into politics because they genuinely wanted the best for their country and their own constituents

The expenses scandal showed me that this was not the case .

I wrote to my own MP, Simon Hoare regarding the position with the continuing hunts that were openly going on around Dorset and got such a weak response, basically putting the responsibility onto the police force to monitor what was going on around the countryside.

A complete and utter ‘cop out ‘

So yes. Thanks to Protect The Wild, I will be voting Labour this election and intend to keep subscribing to them and to watch Labour very carefully in the sincere hope that if they do win 🤞, they will carry out their promise regarding the banning of trail hunting and indeed end these cruel sports altogether.

The pictures of the young stag that was hunted for two hours, his exits closed off every time it tried to escape and to eventually end up sitting in a stream when he couldn’t run anymore, looking at the young tweed clad ‘man’ (I use the word loosely!!) in the eye as he stood on the bank and shot him, will stay with me forever.

We have got to be better than this.

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I am of the same age and in Dorset, Cherry! I remember Simon Hoare, but he was like Drax, and Loder! If the polls are right, they will be gone soon, although I don't trust the potential West Dorset Lib Dem, Labour should be able to make the law to which he must then abide! Last Labour MP I can remember down here was Jim Knight, later knighted by Tony Blair. We will both be voting Labour then to get this job finally done!

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As a passionate advocate for animal rights, I strongly believe we must ban the cruel and outdated practice of fox hunting. This brutal sport inflicts unnecessary suffering on intelligent, sensitive creatures for mere entertainment. Tradition is no excuse for cruelty. It's time to evolve and reflect modern ethical standards by protecting our wildlife.

Join me in calling for a complete ban on fox hunting. Let's create a more humane world where compassion triumphs over cruelty. Our wildlife deserves our protection, and we must be their voice. End this senseless violence now. from Deborah Brand

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You're right not to just accept politicos' promises. The Blair government, under pressure after receiving funding from animal rights and protection groups (donations sent by you and me) committed themselves to passing a Hunting Act. But we know what a sham that turned out to be: the deliberate loophole of trail hunting built in and, no doubt, winks and nods all round to Chief Vegetables about un-enforcing the law. Labour will need its feet held to a fierce fire to bring about a SWIFT and WATERTIGHT END to the braindead BHSA and EVERY hunt. Legislation should include the welfare of the innocent hounds because the yobbo huntscum need to be forced to look after them at their own expense, or rehome them with loving families. No animal should suffer as a result of putting the bloodthirsty yahoos out of business and that includes the poor dogs belonging to the nasty 'terrier men'.

The BHSA can change the meaning of its initials to Ban Hunting Save Animals before it disappears into history.

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