Can anything get any worse?? Unchecked crazies bent on killing innocents. Action is needed. It takes a lot I know. I despair how we as a nation have sunk in so many ways. The present government are so greedy and corrupt they would sell us out...oh wait they have. I will never walk on by ever. So please everyone who cares let's keep together.

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Wow. Maybe Prince William needs to know this. If he doesn't already know, this invalidates anything he's doing with earthshot, as killing animals is an attack on the planet itself.

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The only rats that need poisioning are the two legged vermin destroying OUR wildlife and countryside. There are no lengths a human will go to inflict pain and suffering only a deranged mind would think of how to poison an animal human scum. We are all equalls on this planet nobody has any rights taking lives NOBODY

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Keep up such brilliant investigative work. The practices of the rich (as well as their poorer minions), in fact, the whole situation with our hopelessly corrupt government and sliding judicial system, is becoming medieval.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

It's a disgrace this can happen. These barbaric blood sports enthusiasts and their hatred for wildlife must be stopped and prosecuted. It's 2023 nobody needs to kill any animal for any reason, poisons need to be banned also all kill traps we don't need them! We need to get back to living sustainably, I'm a gardener, I don't use any poisons, wildlife take care of "pests" in my garden, same when I had an allotment, nature is ballanced when you stop interfering with it.

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If only Bentunworthy B*s*a*d, overprivileged gutless wonder of Allendale, could be given a dose of what his serfs hand out to innocent animals and birds, what a vastly improved world this would be. Same goes for all the psycho-sadist animal torturers that infest this country with little or no hindrance from our so-called 'democratic' representatives.

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These People who engage in this Criminal Activity Should be Jailed,they are complete Scum ,and will probably evade Any sentence as their Chums are local Magistrates.

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Why am I not surprised when yet again the wealthiest land owners are spreading so much destruction and devastation with their entitled ignorance and blatant disregard for anyone except themselves? They launched into Chris Packham for smelling a chick, while he was doing valuable and completely authorised work for an animal conservation group. Where is their uproar now? Why aren’t they naming and shaming their own? The more money they have, the more it makes them deranged, medieval, thoughtless sociopaths. With all that private education and privilege, you’d have thought it would give them some intelligence to fathom out that poisoned rats will also kill their predators that otherwise would have taken care of the inbalance. Poisoning is a particularly cruel way to die, and it makes me feel angry that rats are treated so barbarically. Poisons are an outdated, horrific way to manage wildlife. I will donate when I can and continue to support your amazing charity. Thank you for raising awareness, though it appalls me to read of such things. If anyone who practices poisoning reads this article, even if they are not wealthy landowners, I urge you to really listen, try not to feel defensive, and think about what the right and decent thing to do is. Lead by example, educate yourself and others about the devastating knock on effects of poisoning and how it decimates so much wildlife. There are alternative methods that work. If you need advice, contact Protect The Wild, I’m sure they will be happy to help you.

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How totally wicked. The people responsible should be taken to Court. Starting at the Top. The owner of the land, whether it is Prince Williams friend or whoever. They truly are disgusting people. Killing all of these beautiful creatures so that they can blast another creature from the sky. I think they should have all of their properties taken away from them and given to the National Trust!

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Shooting estates kill anything that threatens their products, birds to be shot, but, because of the people involved they are not prosecuted.

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When is all of this despicable behaviour by these human scumbags going to end. I am so sick of our wildlife being murdered, hunted, shot, tortured and poisoned. Something has to be done about this, it has gone on for far too long. I am so ashamed of the human race, but I thank God there are people out there who care, like protect the wild and anyone who helps our wildlife, wether it’s donating or signing petitions. We can’t give up until this evil stops.

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In this day and age all this is unnacceptable behaviour. These people are medeaval. Is it right that our 'politians and leaders' are those who kill for fun? Those business idiots are also killing for fun thinking they are getting some 'in' with the landed folk. Who were given the people's land for killing the people by royalty in the first place let's not forget.

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