As I pointed out in another post recently, NONE of the hypocritical liars in Westminster can be trusted to keep faith with ANY promise, as demonstrated by Tony Blair's 2005 bogus Hunting Act which allowed huntscum to keep hunting and killing foxes and any other animal they came across, including pets. That wasn't an oversight, it was the usual flim-flammery of deceitful bastards.

But to break a promise EVEN BEFORE election day marks a new high in revealing what a low opinion Labour has of the electorate if this DEATHRA Shadow Secretary can airily dismiss their own evaluation of badger-KILLING (not 'culling') as 'ineffective' by announcing licences to KILL will not be revoked. So it's 'ineffective' when it's convenient to criticise the Tories, but OK to continue pointlessly murdering our wildlife because Labour is too gutless to stop appeasing farmers. Their contempt for wildlife and the voters who want to protect it is sickening.

What a stupid, stupid man, just as horrible as every other heartless bureaucratic tosser that infests a Ministry that should be abolished NOW for being UNdemocratic and 100% INeffective.

It's this Labour lamebrain that deserves a 'shock to the system'. He needs shoving empty-handed into a very small locked room with a VERY angry male badger defending his family.

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I have already signed this petition (the one to "Steve Reed") and many others but is there anything else we can help do to help hold labour to account on their pledges Protect the Wild? I must confess that, although their manifesto pledges for animals are encouraging in comparison to reform, the conservatives and the liberal democrats, I don't trust labour I am afraid. Labour were the ones who created "the 2004 hunting act" but they also riddled it with the loopholes that allowed barbaric hunting to continue under a harder to prove smokescreen that they were fox hunting! If labour already rebounds on their pledge to "end the badger cull" even BEFORE they potentially get elected, then what will that say about their other "pledges" for animals?! I do have great fears that, although they pledged to ban "trial hunting", will they do the same thing again that they did with "banning hunting" by creating more loopholes that allow sham "trial hunting" to continue whilst making it look they are doing something to stop it?! I emailed my local labour MP about this and got a response repeating what it says in labour's manifesto for animals but I sadly don't think that my potential Labour MP to be is now interested in discussing this further until after the election (to quote "Thanks Cara. I hope we can pick this up after the election - I have so much correspondence coming in at the moment! I look forward to seeing your thoughts on housing.(I was sent a questionnaire on my opinion regarding "how to improve housing". I haven't received any such questionnaire regarding animals yet though...)

All good wishes"). In other words, I know all MP's are very busy at the moment but I personally read the response as because my vote is rooted more in animals and not the NHS, housing, the cost of living etc, he is virtually saying he isn't interested in my vote or opinion at the moment. I may be wrong but that is how it came across to me as.

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There's so many articles by scientists not only on how nature supports well being but also the ecosystem. The last one I saw said 1.2% of the planet reserved for nature. The natural ecosystem is the foundation of the economy and provider of sustainable and renewable resources. No nature, no economy, no life. The politicians know this, the bucks not stopping. If my opinion's worth anything I say it's the state that needs to change and the current political system is a Lernaean Hydra with only short term solutions.

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That would be a total cop out and not what's been promised if they were to allow this to go ahead I would be totally disillusioned with labour I hope if they are elected they stick to their original pledge actually I have emailed my would be labour MP to express my disgust at the badger cull and at the so-called trail hunting of foxes I hope they reconsider

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I have had a reply from my labour candidate Samantha Dixon reassuring me that labour will look to treat bovine TB with vaccines and end the cull and also ban trail hunting and a whole host of other things were mentioned I just thought I would let everybody know

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Disgusting 'people' need to be culled.

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How do you know when a politician is lying?...

When he opens his mouth. They will always put this onto badgers, keeps them in a job and at least they appear to be doing something. Keep wiping the farmers asses and never mind about the rest of us. I really have a poor opinion of starmer. Poor old thing has had such a tough life. He looks bloody smarmy to me.

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Disappointing to say the least. I hope it changes and if we get a different opposition that would be a great outcome, as long as it's not Reform. If the two party dominance by Labour and Tories could be broken, perhaps we'll get closer to better politics and PR. Can only hope.

The innocent animaks that will continue to suffer and die until there's change for the better is profoundly depressing

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There is a saying, 'keep your powder dry', in other words, don't charge in and give up yet! If Labour get in, we have at least some ammunition against them, but not against any other party. Not surprised at this stage they are trying to keep farmers 'sweet', there are a lot of powerful farmers bolstering up Tory seats, and a lot of people dependent on farmers for a living. Making them angry at this stage would not be the best idea. Once Labour are in Government, we attack! (I hope!)

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" ANGRY" another "SCUMBAG" "LYING" "FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY", that will not get my vote, obviously all the "POLITICAL PARTIES" are the same "LYING FUCKING BASTARDS", I suppose they have friends who are into "BLOODSPORTS", even though "KILLING/MURDERING BADGERS" is not classed as a sport, "M Ps" have no "PRINCIPLES", no understanding of the "TRUTH", some of them are "DREGS OF SOCIETY", no wonder people in the " U K " have no trust in them, I will be sending emails to "M Ps" with some strong words, I think (LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE I MEET) the "UK" is going down the pan, I think "CHIMPS" will be taking over, or are they already, hmm "I WONDER".

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No because you know youve made a massive cock up and cant be seen to be losing face you tossers 😡😡😡😡

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labour ,do not go back on your word I. had faith in this party I'm not so sure now.

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