To hear that all the incredible work, commitment and self sacrifice put in by the legends on the ground is paying off, is heart warming news. Even if the powers that be are of no real assistance to this cause, people power is taking its toll on the wildlife criminals. Keep the pressure on!

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Excellent news . Well done PTW and our heroic sabs!

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Tick tock. I genuinely feel it’s only a matter of time now before hunting with hounds is consigned to the history books. We must keep the pressure on by sabbing, monitoring, donating and lobbying MPs and the local PCC. Protest pays !

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Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end 🤞😁👍!

Well done all 😘

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What a joy to read, well done to Protect the Wild and the Sabs, keep going you’re doing very well. In answer to your post Jon, it’s the House of Lords which is usually the major stumbling block, reduce it by at least half or better still do away with the whole lot - it would save the tax payer a fortune if nothing else.

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...., so this means sab groups can merge providing more 'boots on the ground' per meet, and with reduction of areas they can legally hunt, the bigots will be even more frustrated as they drown! They are shrinking, we are growing in support and voice, and will continue until they are utterly defeated for good!

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Excellent news . Well done PTW and our heroic sabs!

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More good news…fantastic. We need to get the proper ban on hunting petition to 100,000 signatures…I think it gets debated in parliament then. I recently asked all my friends and family to sign. If everyone can do the same if they haven’t already…we can give it a big push forward. I feel excited and hopeful that thing’s are changing….thank you…you amazing sabs and monitors and protect the wild…thank you sooo much

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I feel completely the same way Debra Ingram. Already signed myself a while ago. Has anyone actually thought of creating this petition on the official government parliament petitions website as well at all? As if that got to 100,000 signatures, they have to debate it in parliament for sure! (Although, there is sadly no way to ensure that they will actually do what the petition is asking for, but it is one thing we can at least try and do). Unfortunately though, I did read on the government parliament petitions website on the "how petitions work" webpage that it states: Petitions started on other websites

The Committee will only consider, and the Government is only obliged to respond to, petitions which people have started on the UK Government and Parliament petitions website. The Committee will not consider petitions hosted on external websites." (The link is here: https://petition.parliament.uk/help)

Which sadly means, (please correct me if I am wrong) that the government doesn't have to consider the petition created by protect the wild as it has been created on an external website.

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Days are numbered general public now getting onboard.

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Absolutely Denise, with huge thanks to PTW for getting the word out there.

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I was having a bad day read this an im feeling a bit more happy well done lets keep the pressure on guys n gals and well done to PTW for starting this revolution(if thats the correct term) 👍👍👍

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Oh both of us feel this is good news indeed. Wish we were younger because we would like to be out there doing our bit for the wildlife. But we do what we can and thank all of you for what you do.

Shirley and Philip

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All looking good as the exposure of illegal practices and blatant acts of cruelty and abuse has had an affect well done all Sabs and Monitors across the UK

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The anti hunt and the Sabs should be super proud for all they do. The hunt near me has just had its hunt ball cancelled and another well known pub/tourist attraction refusrs to entertain them.So the public are really coming on board, we want A PROPER BAN sooner rather than later.

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That is brilliant news! I just hope that you are right PTW and this is truly the beginning of the end for sadistically evil hunting for sure and a very well done to Protect the Wild and the brave hunt sabs! You are doing marvelous and lifesaving work. Please keep going! End all hunting for good once and for all!

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Great news, but do they really need that ridiculously long name? Ive got a solution, nice, short, slips off the tongue, "The T..ts." Appropriate too. Lets hope that very soon, all this hard, dangerous work, that the hunt sabs are doing, at last, pays off. What glorioys words to see/hear...THE LAST HUNT IS DISBANDED. I thank each and every one of them for helping to save these animals. No disrespect, but i hope soon youre all sitting watching telly or whatever floats your boat, drink in hand, enjoying your hsrd earned rest.

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Too right.

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