Not at all surprised by this vile comment, hunters are arrogant and uncaring sub humans who go through their pathetic lives believing that wildlife is theirs to take.

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Hunters are a breed on their own !! A disgrace to humanity and to the Creator of life !!

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Well done everyone for exposing this disgusting practice and the cretins involved. I'd like to see their faces in shop windows (wherever), explaining that they support animal cruelty and are therefore banned from those premises. Make life difficult as possible for these evil people. Don't rely on the Police nor the bent Judiciary, they are not our friends.

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You can always identify a complete moron by hearing him dragging in a comparison with the nazi regime in order to justify his unjustifiable views. Maybe Councillor Moron is ignorant of the fact that 'trail hunters' are still murdering wildlife and breaking the law. Someone should enlighten the fool and ask him who most resembles nazis - the bloodthirsty psychos who kill for fun, or the law-abiding citizens who want to protect their British wildlife?

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They need public flogging evil scum

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This just tells you all you need to know about these people. They are Sadist’s.

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Hunting is the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable!! Oscar Wilde but still pertinent

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Sadly, I would suggest that the people who take pleasure from killing, also have the potential for psychopathic and other harmful behaviours towards humans.

Education does not normally help because these individuals will only associate with those who are like-minded.

These people genuinely believe that it is the compassionate members of society that have ' the problem '.


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Andrew Williams should be ashamed of likening the Nazi propaganda with the public of this country trying to obey a rule banning hunting with horses and hounds that has been legal since 2004. The man must be an idiot.

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What a prat. Hearing that video of the baby foxes

torn apart by the hounds. What sadistic mindless people those who hunt are!

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