Poor puss. How can any one in their right mind think this is acceptable on any level? Hunting should be completely banned now!

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Unbelievably cruel. Domestic pets have no chance against them and the hunt dogs themselves will be discarded when no longer useful to them.

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Yes it has been proven by the HSA that hounds owned by some of the scum are starved hit and

when too old or disobedient are shot by the kennel men who are heartless, instead of being rehomed. One only has to see some of the poor hounds to see how their ribs are sticking out. I do not understand why the RSPCA and PDSA are n ot prosecuting these Hunts for cruelty to animals!👿

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I hate to say it but we need vigilantes! How many poor foxes, stags, deer, hares, minks, dogs, horses, people and cats like poor Minnie and now Coco will die before the corrupt and good for nothing governments finally plan on stopping all blood murder! When they are no animals left to kill I suppose!!! End all hunting and shooting now!!!! The cold blooded and evil monsters who do this should all be given the death sentence! They are the scum of this Earth!

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Nov 13, 2023
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Probably. After all, there have also been children who have been injured due to hunting. Hunting is evil and needs to be 100% banned now!

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Is there a letter I can sign to send to my MP about shootings wild and domestic animals.

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This is heartbreaking. Coco was 13 and a rescue only to be slaughtered by these thugs and their dogs. Something should be done about these barbaric men.

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Firstly my condolances to the family devestated by what can only be described as barbaric, these scum have no regard for any life and need to be brought to justice animals need to be seized and jail time brought about. Poor coco finally having a loving family then being torn away like that is heart wretching any petitions that need signing youve got my vote once again such a sad picture of a beautiful innocent life taken by these sub human scumbags

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I am a member of the HSA SABS and PETA and have been donating and petitioning against this so called sport perpetrated by sadists for a long time. Even the English 2004 Act has not stopped these arrogant people from breaking the law and often helped by some Police forces who turn a blind eye when called to attend a meet by the wonderful SABS who have been attacked, stolen from and one killed by these morons! Northern Ireland is part of the UK so should abide by the same laws. But I suppose these scum would cross the border to southern Ireland to murder our beautiful wild life!

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I loathe any hunting of animals, anywhere in the world. I was a horse rider for many years and never would have never hunted even though I was caught up by mistake with a fox hunting crowd once. The saboteurs really upset my horse even though the hunt was nothing to do with me. Sadly the confrontation was very dangerous but I do support all anti-hunting. My lovely horse and I managed to get away without any nasty injuries but I made sure that when I was out riding I made sure I never encountered a hunt again. Hunting is banned but it still goes on and not enough to done to stop it.

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How would they feel if it came to the day when these dogs attack / kill a child (trying to protect his / her fur baby). I hate to say that day could very well come. These fox hunters are in the same category (worse) than blood thirsty American dog fighters. I love the t-shirt - "SAVE A PITTBULL - EUTHANIZE A DOG FIGHTER" (FOX HUNTER).

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I agree.

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Poor little Coco, just when she thought her troubles were over and she had the life she wanted and deserved, these loathsome, despicable, bloodthirsty morons come along with their uncontrolled dogs and end her life. The whole lot of them should be given to Coco's family and other animal lovers to do with as they wish. I feel desperately sorry for her family and I see their terrible loss as another reason why cats should be kept indoors wherever possible. I hope the other cats will be ok and not completely traumatised.

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I do believe in 'indoor cats' as well (to save my birds) BUT they should be aloud a little freedom without being mauled themselves. Which reminds me I better go check my 'live mouse traps' before the poor little buggers freeze in the Canadian cold. Yes, I even feel for mice. Rats not so much.

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Time for NI to decide whether it belongs to the UK or not and step up to protect innocent animals from killer thugs in the same way that Wales, Scotland and England try to do, however inadequately. They are years behind and don't seem to care about catching up over in the wild, lawless west.

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Just leave the hunting "FOR FUN" to kill wildlife, alone, don't people realise, that these "SICK", in the "MIND", poor "SCUMBAGS", sorry, "CHARMING", "FUCKING", "MURDERERS", enjoy seeing our, "AMAZING, "BRILLIANT", "BEAUTIFUL", wildlife across our planet, ripped to pieces, seeing the "LOVELY" wild animals "BLOOD and GUTS" strewn all over the place, "I SAY RUPERT", did you see dog number five, "RIPS IT'S BELLY OUT", "YES" "GREAT FUN", HA,HA,HA, "FUCKING" subhuman lumps of "SCAB", "HATE THEM LIKE THE VERMIN THEY ARE"

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Absolutely horrendous, These Sadist’s need mental health help.

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Is there no way the people whose pets are killed could take the hunts to court and sue them?

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