The government and all of our mps need to ban hunting of all of our wildlife. I know fox hunting is illegal so why aren’t the police arresting the scum who are doing this. It’s illegal to drive a car without insurance and if you are found to be doing that you’re in trouble, so something needs to be done stop scum fox hunters breaking the law. I want the government to Ban the hunting and killing of all wildlife and if caught doing this, prosecute them.

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The problem Marjorie are the exemptions and loopholes inserted into the Hunting Act by pro-hunt politicians as the Bill made its way through Parliament. They make the job of arresting hunters or proseecuting them very difficult - which hunts know all too well of course, Intent has to be proved, individuals need to be specifically identified, the lies that hunts tell have to be proved to be lies - the burden of proof is ridiculously high. Hunts should be made liable if they're reckless, trail hunting should be banned, and anyone following hounds that have been trained to kill foxes should be assumed to have intent. All hunts should switch to clean boot or drag hunting. Then we will finally see illegal hunting and the killing of wildlife stopped.

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Nicely presented well-reasoned piece on the ‘state of the union’ of those opposing the wildlife, environment and social-openness bullies. It is going to be a long and divisive conflict so it’s good to review what we’re up against and what we’ve got going for us. What your piece doesn’t refer to is ‘the next step’ in this conflict and which I believe must result in a coherent coming-together of the ‘forces for compassion’. Our enemy is well organised and brigaded nationally with an integrated strategy and command and we need to respond in an appropriate and integrated way. I’m not sure what this would look like but a national ‘compassion for nature’ conference to discuss it would be a good starting point.

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Good morning David. Thanks for your comment. You're right, I didn't mention the 'next step'. That requires a whole separate post, because the truth is that while the likes of BASC and the CA are united (they want the 'right' to shoot and hunt and aren't prepared to accept compromise) our side is horribly divided. Do we want a ban or are we prepared to offer licences. Do we 'play within the rules' when the rules keep changing and the other side ignore them anyway? Some of our major orgs and charities have adopted neutrality and compromise in the hope that what they describe as 'reasonable voices' will emerge: we don't believe that will happen. There have been numerous attempts to forge alliances and come together (Chris Packham notably has worked tirelessly to achieve this) but they have typically foundered because while we nearly all want the same thing (eg an end to cruelty, restoration of biodiversity, a proper effort to enforce laws on hunting) there is little consensus on how best that can be achieved. I hate the thought that by sticking to our ethics and beliefs perhaps Protect the Wild contributes to that division, but after so many years thinking about these issues and being involved with other organisations this is genunely the closest I've come to working without compromise and with a clarity of purpose. I hope other people who follow us feel the same way. I think we're (all) making progress and the 'red lines' we won't back down from are becoming very well-marked. The situation now is so bad, so existential, though, that there must be a coming together sooner rather than later. Protect the Wild would certainly welcome that and we are working behind the scenes to create something effective and sustainable that will 'make a difference' - but I also appreciate that while we're working things out animals are still suffering which is appalling. I could go on, but as I say, I didn't want to get into the 'next step' in this particular post, but please believe me it is something we take extremely seriously and think about all the time!

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Such a informative bit of information well done as youve stated we have the power maybe it might take a bit of time but we can see the noose tightening around the hypocracy surrounding these so called hunts and the more you release information to the social media about these morons the tighter the noose will get.

Together we add a voice to the voiceless who cannot defend themselves we have the power of social media now to enlighten the public who need to know what these evil devils get upto Im behind you all way PTW amazing work to you and the sabs who are on the front line 👍👍🩷🩷

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Even if its against the law to kill wildlife, its almost impossible to enforce. I own a few acres of land and It's difficult to stop people with guns trespassing and shooting wildlife. I can't be there all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at the same time either and they have to priories their work to deal with the most pressing problems. Speaking of driving cars, there are many people driving cars without insurance, or licenses. So it's important to make sure that our own insurance is adequate. As individuals, we can only do so much on our own, or join an organization which we hope will have enough collective power to achieve change.

I'm going to let my dog out for a wee, then I'm off to bed. I don't watch TV!

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It takes very special people to face up to the horrific “challenges “ that face so many vulnerable, innocent animals every day, head on…

I couldn’t do it, I simply couldn’t cope with it. Thanks from the bottom of my heart that you brave it for those of us who can’t…

Thank you… keep up the fight… we’re ALWAYS behind you! Xx

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Thank you Charlotte. I often say the same to the monitors and sabs we talk with. We each have our role :)

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Hello again Charlie

Thanks for your response to my ‘Quo vadimos?’ question. It summed up my take on the current situation as generally perceived. The problem is that there is much going on that is beyond public perception and which is hiding in plain sight. I have a particular insight as a result of the sophisticated and intrusive surveillance, tracking and harassment I’ve received at the hands of the ‘field sports’ mafia since I interfered with a couple of snares on the shooting estate surrounding my isolated cottage in the Spey valley in April 2020. The significance of what I have experienced is that this well-organised, extensive, brigaded and disciplined mafia is in cahoots not just with the police but MI5 and is supported by big business. It’s coverage is not just UK-national but trans-national being replicated locally where I now live in rural France where ‘car trolls’ patrol the country roads in twos and threes (usually in monochrome shiny German saloons - the ‘German car club’) and ‘troll’ me when I’m out. And they always know where I am even without my mobile phone with me.

So the question, going forward, has to be: Quo vadunt? With all this organisation, intelligence, influence and financial firepower it has to be ‘beyond oppressing our wildlife and the environment’. This is why those that oppose them must integrate - to integrate grassroots support - or they’ll just completely take over: the press, the judiciary etc. as they are already in the process of doing.

In response we must not let our compassion or sense of tribal identity be our enemy or this ‘slow war’ will surely be lost. And that will be just the beginning. Of the end.

So, yes, it really matters.

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We all have a part to play, however large or small.

The sum of the parts is greater than the whole and we are much stronger together.

So keep going everyone, play your part and play it well.

There is no alternative.

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Thanks Sue, and of course you're correct. I guess the question that will raise for many people is - what is our part, and how do we play it well. You pepper councillors and MPs with requests and emails pointing out what they've got wrong - that's a great approach. Another (which you also do) is to contact local wildlife protection groups and organisations and offer support. Every little bit helps, every action can encourage or inspire someone else. And who reading this (or writing this!) doesn't need to feel encouraged or inspired...

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You are all wonderful caring people, some years ago I wondered if I was the only person who cared about animals. Not only do you care but you strive! Keep up the good work and I am sure we, the caring people will win. With so many people now involved in can only be a matter of time that the Government has to listen! Shameful Hunting and killing for fun by mindless twerps, and the Government slaughtering our iconic Badgers, who I believe are not the cause of Bovine TB>

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So proud and humbled by being a small part of this group, we all need our Tribe and I have found mine here, in sad and depressing times when the news always seems bad it is so good to know we are not alone.

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What a lovely thing to read, Mel, thank you :)

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