I do hope all pubs that operate where hunts take place will also bar evil murderers of innocent wildlife,

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A big thumbs up to all the venues who have refused these vile scum the attention they seek, murdering an innocent animal like that shows their mental health is sickening hope all follow suite so this scum realise their not welcome anywhere and the outdated barbarity that they follow


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Well done to this pub landlord and If I lived in that part of the country I'd be straight round to thank him in person and buy him a drink. We need more pubs and other institutions to follow his example, because the more doors that close against the vile murderers of OUR British wildlife, the more of them will realise that their antique perversions are anathema to the majority of people in this country and give up their cruelty.

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These people are barbarians who enjoy inflicting pain. Their time is over.

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I live in Oakford Devon and the Tiverton Stag hounds recently tore through the village 3 times. I have written to my local M. p. because I thought that Stag hunting is illegal. I am sickened and distraught that this is still happening. πŸ˜”

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Well done to the Anchor Pub πŸ‘ it would be great if this news went viral to ALL notorious pubs who support such barbaric behaviour πŸ₯°

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Thanks to everyone who fights to stop this brutal practice. Using vehicles shoild automatically mean they are breaking the law. It's brazenly flouting the law and makes a total nonsense, or even more of a nonsense of tge pretence this is sport.

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This is fantastic! Thank you all hunt Sabs and pubowners - this is the real England that we, foreigners and tourists, want to have as a souvenir - real Animal Lovers!

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Thank you, and so well done to those Pub’s.

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Great news, let's hope that all pubs and land owners refuse to give the psycho scum the time of day!

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What part of β€˜Hunting With Hounds is against the law’ do these people not understand???? Those who continue to hunt with hounds should be prosecuted and ultimately get a prison sentence not only for breaking the law but also for animal cruelty! 😑😑😑

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More like animal torture and murder!

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It is not just the fault of the inns for hosting these gatherings, it is the people who go along to watch them. It is not a rural sport, it is simply the only place these people can hunt and kill these animals.

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This is so evil, sadistically sick and barbarically abhorrent beyond words! Well done to the Anchor Pub in Exebridge for doing the right thing but why aren't all pubs following this pubs good example and banning all hunts right now? That would be a good blow to helping end all hunts permanently with any luck.

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Perhaps a contingent of decent folk patronising this pub on the date it would have been used by the scum would show solidarity with the brave local group who can never un see what they have seen. They have my admiration for their bravery.

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That’s such BRILLIANT news!

Well done all for standing up to these in my opinion low life scumbags πŸ˜πŸ‘

Also a huge thank you to the Sabs who do what they can to help save our precious wildlife πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜˜

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