Leaving the debate on snares aside for just one minute, can I simply express my opinion on soft toys please?

When I first subscribed to PtW to stop fox and stag hunting, I asked the charity to NOT send me a cuddly toy. I gave the reason that, however cheap this is funds that should rightfully go to the brave activists "in the field" and not on a toy, probably made in China or other country using equally cheap labour.

That was ignored and Fergie Fox still sits in the box it came in.

So again, can I suggest that the organisers please stop giving freebie soft toys away and use the money towards the vile activities we do desperately want to stop.

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Hi Ray. Thanks for your comment. We did actually listen (and we agreed with you), so every adoption has had a drop down option not to recieve the adoption pack for many months now. The option to just give a monthly amount and not recieve the toy and leaflet is there and always will be. Thanks again.

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Can I suggest that if you really don't want the soft toy, donate it to charity. I am part of a large group of online animal charities who would be glad of the items to auction off to raise funds for animals welfare everywhere. Just an idea.

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Beautiful Animals and Birds killed for fun and left to rot, how low will these evil gutless scum sink to. This is also a environmental issue or should be. The ones that did this should be put in the pit with the rotting carcasses .

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The only stink pit these cretans deserve is to be placed in it themsleves rotten to the core surley this is deemed a hazard and should be outlawed

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The mentality of humans who come up with these ideas worries me constantly. It should be considered a criminal act with severe penalties.

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