Jul 8Liked by Charlie Moores

Amazing work guys. Thank goodness for Protect the Wild. Honored and proud to be associated 🫶🏻

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Jul 8Liked by Charlie Moores


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Jul 8Liked by Charlie Moores

Come on guys lets take these scumbags on with you every step of the way 👍🩷

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Jul 8·edited Jul 11Liked by Charlie Moores

I, as I am sure all of us here are too, am completely behind you Protect the Wild!! I am afraid I just couldn't read the post about "stink Pitts", it was just too horrible for words. (I always even have my phone set to not show pictures so I don't see anything horrible come up). I know it isn't yourselves, you are only trying to show the truth and bless you for doing it but I just can't see or read anything really abhorrent as then I will only be getting myself mad with swearing all day and get into a slump for the rest of the day which isn't productive for me or in helping any animals. I fully support and agree with ending all hunting, shooting and the badger cull. (I myself would go further and advocate for a ban on all "culling"/killing of animals, such as deers, minks, snakes etc, for "population control" and, putting ethics completely aside for a minute, when you look at it from a scientific point alone, if deers, minks and snakes etc are still being "culled" every year for years on end with no obvious "dip" in their populations occuring as a result, then "culling" by killing isn't really working, is it? It is just prolonging the cycle of killing for longer. But ending all hunting, shooting and the badger "cull" would be brilliant for the animals and I fully support all your goals PTW!!) I have recently started wearing my "Anti hunt" and "Anti shoot" pin badges with pride when out and about!

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I am so 'with you' on this as all issues! I am sure PTW supporters are too, we are not going away! A local 'petting farm' is managed by a 'wannabe' shooter. He has very little land and our area has become too 'touristy' for guns; I would be surprised if you can get 100 meters from a footpath! He bought pheasant eggs on the internet, incubated them and released them into a very unlikely habitat! Of course they have spread around a bit, then died off, but one remains. Nicknamed 'Cocky' he has even sat on window ledges of people with bird feeders and banged on their windows! Big shoots are disgusting but how do we control mindless idiots like him? Non indigenous species of course, but no-one cares!!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 10Liked by Charlie Moores

This is excellent news, Charlie. It’s another barbaric and very cruel industry. I remember learning that celebrities attend local bird shoots on the Gladstone Estate in North Wales, feeling so upset it was happening in my area and not being able to do anything about it. I am so grateful that your campaigns give me somewhere I feel I can contribute to and help make a difference to stop this senseless cruelty. We are stronger and more effective in bringing about change. Thank you for doing this.

We used to have escaped pheasants in our garden for years which we fed during the winter months especially. They were lovely and used to lie down in the bushes, next to us and our cats.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Bless you Helen. I always remember seeing pheasants when I was younger and my mother would always swerve to avoid hitting them on the road. They are very beautiful and sweet birds. I was extremely shocked and saddened to learn that Rowan Atkinson attends bird shoots. Yet another celebrity I thought was decent. I completely understand how you feel. Something truly awful happened in my secondary school when I was younger and I couldn't do anything about it. My family and I complained but nothing was virtually done about it. Although I have a soft spot for all animals, it is one of the reasons I have such a soft spot for deers and pheasants. I have never forgotten it.

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I’m so sorry you witnessed this trauma while you were so young. The shock of it certainly sticks with you all your life, doesn’t it?

I could be wrong about Atkinson, maybe I shouldn’t spout off unless I have absolute proof, but I heard it from 3 different local sources. It’s why I wouldn’t let my child watch Mr Bean (apart from the fact that it’s awful and not funny in the slightest) and why I can’t watch Black Adder any more. Same with anything Jennifer Saunders is in. It makes me feel too angry, as I can’t look past their characters and forget about what they have done. Supporting animal cruelty (especially when you are famous and have a platform where you could publicly denounce it and help bring about positive change) is deplorable and unforgivable. I understand fully why you would have a soft spot for deer and pheasants, both are such gentle, passive, beautiful creatures.

Am glad to connect with true animal lovers here, including yourself, Cara.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

It does indeed. Thank you so much for your very kind words Helen and for being you. I tried to search to see if anything came up on Atkinson and shooting but I couldn't find anything saying whether he was for or against it but 3 different local sources is a very large number. I completely understand and agree with you. I just wish more celebrities would be like us. Brian May, Ricky Gervais and Brian Adams seem to have good hearts from what I have heard of them so far. I just don't understand how some "people" (if you could even call them that) can be so heartless and evil towards such gentle and sweet creatures. I don't think I ever will but I am so very grateful to meet truly kind people on here such as yourself Helen. Please don't ever change! Bless you!

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I agree with every word in the report. The game shooting industry is appalling. I am concerned though, that by giving more time and resource to shooting, we run the risk of diverting attention and pressure away from obtaining a proper ban on hunting with hounds? We must not let the hunters of our foxes, deer and hare off the hook now we have them on the ropes.

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Hi Dave. That's an interesting comment, and to be honest I'd not appreciated that the post could be read that way - but you are a 100% right: it could be read that way, and as a movement now would be entirely the wrong time to ease up on hunting with dogs. Be assured we have no intention of taking the pressure off hunting (or the badger cull). Rather than an abrupt halt of any other work. we see this as just stepping up what we've been doing on bird shooting in line with our stated aims Thanks.

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Good to hear Charlie, thank you for clarifying 👍

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deletedJul 8
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OOOPS! That went bad! Please check out Weymouth Animal Rights Facebook page for evidence of hunters planning to go rogue!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Completely true Dave M. I completely agree with you. If labour does, does, properly ban hunting once and for all, then we will still need the hunt sabs on the ground and keeping up the pressure on the sick hunting "community" to check for any loopholes/law breaking covertly going on by them. We cannot take anything for given/granted until ALL the hunts have properly disbanded and gone. Even then, it is still worth keeping an eye and pressure on them for a while though. Both the depraved and sick hunting and shooting "communities" need to be abolished ASAP!!!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Another charity that yourselves could consider working with to expose the abhorrent shooting industry is "Animal Aid". They also focus on exposing the shooting industry and I learnt through them how thousands of the poor birds are caged, taking up rows and rows of countryside (you are completely right that it is an industry, I always used to think it was just a few "people" who went out shooting them if they could find them for sick "fun"), tightly compacted in small metal cages with no enrichment and forced to wear, what the industry terms a "bit" (a metal sleeve they put over the birds beaks to stop them pecking at each other during mating). If the young "produced" are deemed "worthy", they are either released for being barbarically shot at or are kept for breeding, if not, they go the same horrifying way as what currently happens to male chicks in the egg industry. They also found out how the Welsh government I believe, propped up this industry with taxpayer subsidies during the COVID crisis I believe. All of this isn't even mentioning the barbaric snares, raptor persecution and those sadistically sick "stink Pitts" they use and what (who) goes in them 🤢🤢😾😡🤬🤬!!

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PTW I am with you all the way as always and will be no matter what. All animal cruelty must be stopped and our wildlife protected from the narcissistic fools that get a kick out of cruelty and being in control of innocence. Our wildlife is far more important than these individuals.

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Like everyone to see, read the work you do....is utterly amazing.

Have seen over time more and more powerful and such a help for our Wildlife....they need all the help they can get.....

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We live in Northumberland. We salute your investigations into the appalling 'industrialisation' of moorland shooting in Northumberland National Park. The damning evidence is out there clear to see: those who participate in blood sports in this area are too sure of themselves and openly abuse the land and living and champion double standards of civilisation and bloodlust. May your enterprise for evidence therefore thrive absolutly! We dread the coming of the 12th that shatters the silence and beauty of The Cheviots and the bones of the birds. Thank you for all you do and your amazing emails.

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Dear Robert - what a hero! Thank you for taking on the 'Establishment' of animal and bird murderers! Using technology and bravery we will win so Thank You to the sabs. I will give what I can and you are in my Will, sorry the monthly amount is modest. Shooting is KILLING OUR WILDLIFE in a major way because day old pheasant chicks are cheap and local farmers and friends rear and release them to eat everything our native wildlife rely on. I have personal knowledge of this and am in despair as my own acre of land is now virtually barren surrounded by overuse of fertilizer and pheasants.

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My daily Dog walk on Danby Marshes, Norwich, Norfolk, is spoilt every Autumn when the despicable Pheasant shoots begin. They are unannounced and the sound of guns going off on the other side of the river frighten one of my Dogs, who just wants to turn heel and head for the nearest hiding place. I would like to think of way that I could frighten the Birds off in advance of the range rovers arriving!

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Fantastic work guys. You all deserve medals, for the work you do. Educating, hi lighting and keeping a bright light shining on the seedy actions and members of this country's Neanderthals, that think it, acceptable. To injure, Maine and kill our precious wildlife. Keep up the good work.

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