Yes. So pleased we are getting small changes to help our wild animals.

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Lots of good news there but let’s hope for more of the same in 2024 and legislation under a Labour government to bring forward a proper ban on hunting with hounds.

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What the human race needs to remember is that No human on this earth has any right to harm any animal for any reason at all ever ! We do not own wild animals they are part of nature and nature is above our thinking. Nature is our teacher if we took the time to watch and listen and learn and respect nature there wouldn’t be half the problems there are now. No human is above nature or can be and that’s a huge problem as many humans think they are !! I hope and pray the human race evolve spiritually and learn to respect all wildlife and all animals 🙏🏼💚

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That is good news and a huge well done to all the brave hunt sabs who are risking their lives to save innocent beings, to Scotland for banning hunting and all snares, to those who are stopping badger "culls" (badger murder) and to Wales for banning all snares! Now we need England and Wales to fully ban all "trial" hunting, badger "culling"(murder/killing), all shooting and for England to fully ban all snares! (I find it strange though that out of all 3; Scotland, Wales and England, England seems to be the only one lagging far behind on animal welfare and whose "officials" haven't done anything for wild animals this year, unlike Wales banning snares and Scotland banning hunting and now snares! What has England banned/done this year to help wildlife? I thought England was meant to be an apparently "animal loving country"?!! Yes, with England's "royal" guards happily wearing bear skin hats too!!!) Sorry, it just still gets me so mad that even though I am very glad to read 10 reasons of good news rather than more bad news, England, which is where I live, hasn't implemented not even 1 single ban on anything to help wildlife! But please keep going Protect the Wild! You, as well as all the hunt sabs/everyone here/those who support you/create petitions/take action to help are

all doing great work and I will never stop supporting you! Keep fighting! The above are examples of the small changes that you are helping to achieve!

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Something to celebrate and be even more determined next year to relegate hunting to the history books. My kids, in their 20’s, are so surprised that hunting is still “a thing” and I feel confident that future generations will look back in utter horror at the vile behaviour of the minority. Happy New Year to all on this forum.

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Some good has come about but more widespread action is needed if these murdering scum are to be disbannded to history, tye sabs on the ground are doing a magnificent job bringing to light the way these idiots go about their murdering blood lust how they use smokescreens to cover up and the coward judges and police who dont bat an eye when the evidence is smacked in their faces together with the widespread of social media the noose tightens quicker and the dsy weve all been waiting for finally catches up with these ponces WELL DONE TO EVERYONE WHOS READ AND CONTRIBUTED TO PTW 👍🩷👍

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We WILL hound them in to oblivion.

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Slowly, but surely "WE" "WILD ANIMAL" "LOVERS" are seeing, "HOPEFULLY", the end in sight of the "COWARDLY" "GRUESOME" "DISGUSTING" "SAVAGE" "BLOODTHIRSTY" "BLOOD SPORT" "MORONS" who love nothing more than "KILLING/MURDERING" "SLAYING" our most "AMAZING" "BEAUTIFUL" planets "WILDLIFE", I managed to write this without a "SWEARWORD" phew

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Passionate is a swear word or 2!! So agree. Anyone that cares enough is fine by me.

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Thanks for this uplifting article - it's so good to hear cheerful news

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Es zeigt, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Es ist ein guter Anfang und ermutigt hoffentlich alle Menschen, immer weiter zu machen um den hilflosen Tieren ihre Stimme und Aufmerksamkeit, ihren ständigen Beistand zu geben. Die Gesetzgeber sind gefordert zu folgen und wir Tierfreunde müssen weiterhin Druck aufbauen, dass Tierschutzgesetze erlassen und umgesetzt werden. Verstöße müssen konsequent und hart bestraft werden. Nur so können Tiere in Freiheit, Frieden und Sicherheit leben.

Danke euch allen für euren Einsatz und Beständigkeit.

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