For some reason I can’t register ‘likes’ though I’ve subscribed for a while. Anyway that’s a superbly written testament to the current situation. And gives me hope knowing there are at least some like minded folk in this country. Animals around the world are suffering and being tortured. The god damned Yulin slaughter is one of so many disgraces the human race is guilty of.

Staying strong for the animals always despite the horror. Thank you PtW

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Moores

Paul, the article is very well written and your reply sums up my thoughts exactly.

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Thank you for the kind words Paul, much appreciated.

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at least Labour have promised to end the badger cull. The LibDems have included animal welfare in their manifesto. Change takes time - the first step is to get the Tories out - Sunak is a shooter

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Farage has stated that if he gets into Parliament he will try to get the hunting act revoked,he's already been cosying up to the hunt criminals.He full on in killing our wildlife,this man cannot be trusted with anything,he's two-faced & so far up himself & his importance.

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Didnt realise that about that smirk-faced idiot, Ivan. Sickens me further now. What i have heard is if the braindead gets in, his priority is to help Trump win. Forgive me if im wrong, but only the biggest idiots on Earth would support that moron, brainwashed dopes incapable of thinking for themselves. Surely whoever gets elected should have THIS countrys problems at heart, not USA, I only hope people thinking of voting for him have thos information

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Thanks Ann he won't be spouting about his support for hunting or his support for Trump.He can't be trusted at all but people will vote for him without knowing his true colours sadly.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I read that on 14th September, CA are urging all hunts to 'educate' new MPs about hunting by inviting them to witness a trail hunt first hand. This is to persuade new MPs that there is no need to change the current law! Quite a coincidence I discover that BSV Hunt are hold a hunt ball that very evening, no doubt intending to 'wine, dine and probably suggest 'inducements' to get MPs onside. The BSV Hunt Ball will be held at Manor Farm, Hermitage. I believe it is on their Instagram site, and probably elsewhere but my social media activity is very limited! Very underhanded, but of course, that's what they do! Just hope MPs have backbone, refuse to go or at least see through the charade! In addition, I wonder how many cubs they will have slaughtered in the month before, which they won't be telling MPs about! A further note, the BSV probably won't be doing the 'trail hunt demonstration', because they don't know how to trail hunt anyway! What would their trophy at the end be? A Hunt Ball in September is a bit unusual, and suspicious. Odd they are not loyally holding it at 'The Newt'! lol

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Thanks for the info Rosemary, we'll have to see if we can bring some pressure to bear...

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That would be great Charlie, thank you! A ball behind closed doors is so sneaky! Sabs would not interfere or get their chance to put an opposing point of view, ie, the truth. A captive audience to brainwash!

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I’m a member of the Green Party in a longstanding conservative area, but I’m tactical voting to at least get the Tories out, which is feasible because of the growing movement and desire locally to do that. It may not immediately improve the government’s treatment of nature, but it’s the first step towards shaking things up. The pressure is not going to stop, and I’m so grateful for organisations like this that are persistent, dedicated to the cause and are intelligently addressing the issues. We have power and hope now, because of you, Protect the Wild!

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Absolutely applaud your attitude. Just as politicians U Turn, so can we at the next election, but we must get this job done first!

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It’s sad that wildlife protection isn’t a priority for any of the parties. But it’s reassuring to know that you will be there regardless of who gets into power, helping to raise awareness of illegal activities such as fox hunting and capturing the evidence that this is indeed still taking place.

While you are continuing your very vital and important work, I will contribute what I can and keep supporting you any way I can.

Thank you for your outstanding and incredible work. It is a huge achievement and all of us here are very proud to stand behind you supporting you. 👏

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Got my support whoever gets elected and I will write to (god willing) new MP as soon as. The work as you say continues.

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The main cause to help protect the wild that NO ONE is addressing is education in schools around the world ,that there are TOO many humans being born that are putting more pressure on nature and slowly destroying it everywhere

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Totally agree!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

You are completely correct R Harrison. It is a great shame and extremely illogical that human overpopulation is never mentioned. I think it is because they are afraid of addressing the biggest "elephant in the room" and, the same as hunting, because they are afraid of backlash from those who claim that "it is taking their "rights" away from them by imposing on what families can and can't do".

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Totally agree!

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Thank you Rosemary.

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A piece by the HSA issued today makes clear that the only parties who have committed to ending hunting with hounds (close the smokescreens and loopholes) are Labour and the Green Party. The Lib Dem’s are vague around animal welfare and despite sending 2 e mails to my local Lib Dem MP to enquire of their stance on the issue I have not received a reply, very disappointing. On principle I will vote green I think. Long run the fox !

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Greens would undoubtedly support that motion, but they have to get MPs in to do it.

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But if people don’t start voting Green, that will always be the case. Caroline Lucas did an excellent job bringing good things to the debate. This time there is an outside chance of getting four elected. Also, the more votes the smaller parties receive, the greater the pressure for PR. Got to start somewhere.

If you are in a safe seat, might as well vote Green, what’s to lose?

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Desperately hoping to lose our Conservative MP! It appears to be very close here between Conservative and Labour so I am not taking chances and trying to vote to get hunting finished! After that is done, I may be tempted to look around more, but need to get this job done first!

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Of course Rosemary and I know that’s unlikely, but unless we stand as individuals nothing will ever change

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Please keep up the brilliant work Protect the Wild!! You are an amazing charity and I wholeheartedly salute and support you!! I will be voting on the 4th of July (I know many people my age aren't planning to vote but that makes me think that my vote should hopefully count more and be more important and vital as to deciding who gets elected if that is true) although who I am planning to vote for is split between 2 parties (Definitely not Conservative). As I said before, although many other matters are important, animals and the environment are the 2 main policies that will ultimately choose who I will vote for. I just hope that whoever wins this election does keep their promise and ends all this barbaric murder (hunting, shooting, culling, cubbing) ASAP! Animals, Wildlife and the environment should be one of the most major priorities for all parties with climate change and biodiversity loss at an all time (not sure whether the right word here is high or low)!! I have already contacted my local potential MPs about hunting, shooting, culling, factory farming, trophy hunting, fur and many more issues and am waiting to hear back from them all.

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Thank you PTW for all your actions and such excellent information.

I am sending as many letters to candidates as I can from organisations, and I hope that if enough people do likewise some, or all (there are 8 candidates for my area!) of the candidates will realise that we do actually mean business and are not going away. I will also be writing to my previous MP personally.

I am 81 years old now and my old school motto continues to inspire me....Hold Fast, Hold Firm, Hold Out.

I know we all will be.

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Both my Labour MP and the Liberal Democrat replied to my email to say that animals welfare will be in their projects. I don't know how to send you a cartoon I received from France where you can see a wolf talking to the sheep and saying, "After you elected me, I'll become a vegetarian".

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Who do you vote for???? Ive not heard one mention of animal welfare/protection. These MPs are voted in to listen to their voters, millions are getting more and more concerned about this, snd animal cruelty, neglect. murder, and absolutely getting away with it. Surely they know whats going on re this subject. Its in papers, magazines, internet. SO MANY PETITIONS!!! Who will sign up to protect our precious animals??? Ok, i know cost of living, climate change, loads of issues, im living in it, but our animals are vital to the balance of our planet. Please, someone, speak up and include this in your manifestos.

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