Jun 14Liked by Charlie Moores

Nice to see Secret Monitor back! Very industrious research! This should be shown to a captive audience of MPs and Police and perhaps debated on TV in front of a live audience! Need to get all our truths out there to all the public to witness the behaviour and cronyism of the elite! The isolated nature of the countryside means anything can happen, and it does!

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Jun 14Liked by Charlie Moores

Another fascinating piece by the Secret monitor. Knowledge is power. Great work by one and all.

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The "WILDLIFE" police, most certainly know the law, it's just an excuse to let certain members of society to get away with the "DISGUSTING" "SICK" "IMMORAL" "BLOODSPORT", that "DIRTY" "FILTHY" "MENTALLY ILL" so called "SPORT" yes "FUCKING SPORT" "SCUM", the law of our "U K LAND" is so "CORRUPT", it's as clear as the nose on your face, does anyone remember the "CRIMINAL CASE" of the "OLD ESTONIAN" who went into a bank "WITH A GUN" to rob the bank, the "JUDGE" just happen to be an "OLD ESTONIAN" himself, he was released, no jail time, for what I remember, if that had been "JOE BLOGS" from the east end of London, he would have spent a few years in the "SLAMMER", its a sick society that lets "BLOODSPORT" "KILLERS/MURDERERS" off, because of the "CORRUPTION" of our "JUSTICE SYSTEM", we need some sort of "REVOLUTION" in our "SICK CORRUPT U K ".

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Never mind deaf, I wish they would all go blind and paralysed, sicko scum.

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"It's not unusual for even wildlife crime officers not to know wildlife law (anyone who sabs or monitors fox hunts will know that all too well), but there is even more to this story.

The Secret Monitor was shown a series of emails which documents that the video evidence posted above was first sent to the police on 21 February 2024. The resident concerned "originally and probably naively" thought their prompt action would result in the trap being taken down immediately. Not quite. After several conversations with the police a witness statement was finally taken by telephone on 4 March 2024, but the trap was only taken down a few days before that on 29 February - more than a week after it was reported.

Discussions with the police had confirmed that the only defence that the perpetrators had was if the birds were diseased. This fitted with the research the residents had undertaken to work out that they had indeed recorded a crime taking place. So why was the cage not removed earlier?"

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its always been the same old those with money, getting away with murder .why are these upper class above the law ?

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An impeccable case once again laid out against those who get their fun from killing wildlife, those that make money facilitating it, and those that ignore their own responsibility to stop it. This deserves such a wide audience, especially amongst the townies who love the countryside and have no idea what goes on there. Thank you for all the diligent work that has gone into this report.

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I totally agree with you Sarah. As you say this deserves a wide audience so we need as many people as possible to share these articles.

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