Dec 1, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

Chris Gibbons! That is monumental! I have such a huge smile on my face! May many others follow him - off! Brilliant article as usual and agree with the boycott of industries involved, I've made my own list! I do love The Secret Monitor! Keep up the pressure on them all! Nowhere to hide!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

We shall remember them all. Nowhere to hide cowards and rotten to the core. Keep it going. Proud to be part of protecting the wild.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

Thank you for this information which I will save and take notes for my ARs notebook. Will pass information on you are doing a great job

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I note on the Exmoor Forest Inn website they use a stag photo to show what a wonderful area for nature it is set in. Towards the end there is a photo of, presumably, some of the management with Theresa Coffey. Nuff said.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

At last we have a knowledgeable voice. Hunting the deer on Exmoor and The Quantocks is a diabolicle, outdated and evil pastime. Many hunts are closing for lack of support and the public outcry of condemnation against. The tide is turning the hunters are now THE Hunted.

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Thank you secret monitor for all your info. These are disgusting,evil sadistic inbreeds.

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I’m a member of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale). For some time I’ve been concerned about drinking or even B&B’ing in a vermin (hunt) friendly pub. Carew Arms and Farmers Arms are both listed as GBG (Good Beer Guide) listed so I’ll be contacting CAMRA for their thoughts. I have a feeling what the response will be. Let’s see. I’ll be advising family who live in West Country to steer well clear of these wretched establishments. Spread the word animal lovers. Animals are not loved at these hell holes

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Emailed CAMRA. Let you know their reply. Contacted Somerset council and (Un) Natural England too

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Hi Paul. Please do let us know - and thanks for beng so proactive. There is an existing Twiiter/X feed that publicises pubs that support hunting called huntpubs which is why we haven't done more on this ourselves, but customers absolutey should have information when it comes to choosing where to spend their money and it is something Protect the Wild will be looking at more in the future.

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Hi Charles. I’ve ‘liked’ huntpubs. Sadly needed but really pleased to be able to avoid these awful places. We often do B&Bs so hope this helps on that front too. Thank you.

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Add 'The Bakers Arms' at Child Okeford, Dorset to your list. It is situated at 'The Cross' and has hosted 'hunt meets' traditionally for years. Mark Pearson lives in the village. If you look at the photos on their site there is a disgusting picture of a large row of dead pheasants hanging by their necks on a fence and they brag of pheasants from a local shoot. They must be assuming some customers would be attracted to the pub by this! Don't think much of their clientele if that's the case! One to avoid!

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Thanks for info Rosemary. Are you aware of ‘huntpubs’ on Twitter(X) I wasn’t but have liked their site. Excellent for referencing these awful establishments

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I can't read all or look at awful pics but I know what's happening out there. I have emailed all those that you listed and await their response. Looking at the Deer Law, it's a joke that these individual animal haters...because they must be....are getting away with murder at it's cruelest. Sickens me to the pit of my stomach. Keep up this fantastic work. Waitross no more, I'll be emailing them too.

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Thank you for letting us know who is supporting these cruel hunts. We can now avoid their businesses and also boycott Waitrose. Knowledge is definitely power.

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I’ll email Waitrose too as I’ve shopped there

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It has come to the point where I just can't read these stories any longer. I read the first few chapters, and was so heart broken, I had to skip to the end and see if there is any hope. I just wish that the stags / deer / foxes could be transported to somewhere that is actually safe. I feel like it won't be long and they have brutally killed all of them. But they will just find something else to hunt. Being a foreigner I don't know if my letters will count, but I am sure going to try. I don't know if there is much of a tourist industry there, but I am going to try my best that they will be informed and not set a foot in those areas. I'm even crying just trying to write this.

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Hi Fiona. Thanks for caring. The irony of the sutuation in the West Country is that the region is hugely reliable on tourism. Many of the areas where the hunts abuse wildlife are actually 'protected' - the Exmoor National Park, and the Quantocks Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty for example. It is shameful that the so-called authorities turn a blind eye to what is going on and it's vital that potential visitors understand what their spending might be supporting. There is hope though. As others have said here, more and more people are finding out what these hunts get up to and along with other groups/organisations we are determined to push the authorities and the police into enforcing the wildlife laws that exist. An increasing majorty of the British publc want to see wildlife properly protected and these thugs and lawbreakers cracked down on. Hunts have depended on 'no one finding out' for decades - that is gone now and they know it.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

Don't give up. The animals now have more support than the hunters and other abusers. Their advantage has always been money, position and power, but it is fading as the exposure grows. Sadly, without the horrific stories, many people will keep their heads in the sand and it will go on. The truth has to be explicitly shown in order to have an impact, it has always gone on, just out of sight before. You are already on the right side, no need to keep distressing yourself if it is too much, just do all you can to spread the word, boycott business (and let them know you are doing so) and if possible, raise funds. Being 'a foreigner' as you say, is no bar to caring for animals in any country, cruelty is everywhere, stay with us and just do what you can.

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Thank you for all those inspiring words. Don't you worry, I'll never give up and I'll always do the best i can. I understand those stories have to keep coming, it shows exactly whats going on , no holds barred. I am so looking forward to more of those good stories.

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PS. My sister had to collect me from Primary School because I couldn't stop sobbing over the story of 'The Ugly Duckling', why didn't anyone help him?? I haven't changed! Lol

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Yes I know, about all this "HUNTING", but be "HONEST", these "HUNTERS", wake up in the morning with this "BLOODLUST", they cannot help, it's a "SICKNESS" in their " MIND BODY and SOUL", I leave out their "HEART", because they "FUCKING" don't have one, because they are subhuman pieces of "SHIT", what type of human, can "KILL" "MURDER" our "MAGNIFICENT", "AMAZING", "BEAUTIFUL" "WILDLIFE", who are these "FUCKING" "SCUM", would it not be great if these "DISGUSTING", "SAVAGE" "FUCKING" "HUNTERS" across our "PLANET", could be hunted down themselves and be KILLED", now that would be great fun, see how these "COWARDLY", "FUCKING" "MORONS" would like it, I do not "APOLOGISE" for my "SWEARING", as I am so "BITTER" against all of the "KILLERS", "MURDERERS", of "NATURES", most "INCREDIBLE", "MAJESTIC", wild animals, why kill them "WHY", WHY, WHY", I "HATE" you "KILLERS" with a "VENOM"

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Living in the east of England there is little I can do regarding pubs and farms etc in the west country.

However, as a Waitrose customer I can write to them regarding one of their egg suppliers who is a master at the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds. This is what I have written and I would urge all Protect the Wild supporters to do the same. I have copied and pasted my email below.

Dear sir

As a Waitrose customer I am attracted to you for your claimed ‘high ethical standards’ and animal welfare issues. As an example ‘Food to Feel Good About’.

As an animal lover, I support many animal charities including League against Cruel Sports and Protect the Wild. Both are campaigning against illegal hunting and in particular stag hunting mainly in the west country. I was disturbed by an article in Protect The Wild referring one of your egg suppliers who is a master at the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds. I have copied and the pasted an extract from Protect the Wilds article below. I would be grateful to receive your comments regarding this individual who has little regard to animal welfare and his unethical business.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards

Roger Fox

Higher Woolcotts Farm, Brompton Regis, Dulverton.

What possible connection could there be between “Food to FEEL GOOD about” upmarket retailer Waitrose and “nothing to feel good about at all” stag hunting? That would be Somerset’s Higher Woolcotts Farm, owned by Stephen and Roseanne Coates. Stephen is a master at the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds. His business interest is producing high-end eggs for Waitrose (who proudly claim on their website they are “Working in PARTNERSHIP for a HAPPIER world” and those are their block capitals). According to a Western Daily Press article his hens "are genetically modified for the retailer". Yes, that means 'selectively bred', but just shows how careful you need to be when reading supportive puffpieces. Anyway, you can believe me when I say that by shopping at Waitrose you too can enable stag hunting. How good does that make you FEEL?

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Please could you tell me where and who to write to at Waitrose please?

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Hi Alison. I sent an email to customerserviceteam@waitrose.co.uk Thank you. Roger

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Natural England have replied and say they have ‘no powers of enforcement over hunting groups as they are not licences by NE’. They ‘advise concerns regarding these groups should be directed to Police on 101 if activity ended or 999 if still in progress’

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I can’t post pic of Waitrose response but they have responded and said they source their eggs from Stonegate and confirm they take no eggs from the farmer referenced

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Wonderful 'outing' of the nasty trash involved in nasty perversions. I do hope they all get a chance to hear of it and realise that normal folk are reading about them, hating their guts and hoping they'll end up in jail - or worse, much worse. As for Waitrose, what sickening people must run that firm. I'll never set foot in one of their toxic establishments.

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