Members of the Royal Family have hunted foxes to death and murdered deer for 'sport' They have also shot birds deliberately bred so that cruel idiots can blast them out of the sky for 'fun'. The next layer down, the aristocrats, take their cue from royalty, think this is all normal justifiable behaviour and like to indoctrinate their offspring into bloodshed and cruelty.

These facts alone justify the abolition of the monarchy and dismantling of the aristocracy as anti-democratic blights upon society and a source of shame for our country. Once the Royals have gone the rest of the hierarchy will crumble - no more titles to impress dimwitted Chief Vegetables and magistrates into allowing huntscum to ignore the law and inflict cruelty.

The majority of people in the UK deplore the hunting and killing of what remains of our wildlife and want an end to it, but the self-entitled psycho-sadists don't care what the plebs think. Time to get rid of worthless parasites infesting our country, including the House of Lords and the killers at DEFRA.

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I agree now our lovely Queen has died but it is not just the entitled royals and their friends, now the hunts consist of "new money" working class rich anyone who can afford a horse and the membership costs can hunt these beautiful animals what kind of mother is it who hunt pregnant hinds and take their children to watch? Who could chase a hind to the death and watch her baby torn from her and killed if not already dead from its mother's terror! I was not aware they hunted pregnant and new mother hinds to death. I feel physically sick now and could cry. I only wish I could be with the Sabs and give these sub human Mothers a good hiding. They are teaching their children its ok to torture and kill and perhaps to be our future murderers.

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SICK, VILE, SUBHUMAN, SAVAGES, who should be in the "JUNGLE" where they belong, better still hunt these "SCUM" wildlife killers down and shoot them, any animal on our planet, are better than these "MURDEROUS", "F******" "ARSEHOLES", I wonder if their families are the same, as them.

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Yes, hunting wildlife is insane, but these hunters are rejects from the normal society & are unable to cope & are deficient at living as an everyday civilian. These hunters only know how to torture & kill……god help their families.

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Those who hunt for fun rather than for necessity are virtually the same as paedos.

What does a paedo do? Hurt and/or kill a thinking, feeling being that is more vulnerable than them for their own sick, perverted pleasure.

What does a hunter do? Hurt and/or kill a thinking, feeling being that is more vulnerable than them for their own sick, perverted pleasure.

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Once again sickening cruelty by psychopath types. Why is this happening? Absolutely insane. They need this treatment back. Cowards who would cry if confronted by an army and chased by animal lovers, the rest is eye for an eye. Soft here in England. I hope that one day true justice will follow them. I am so angry.

Please never walk by.

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These people have no feelings, they will not stop. Thank God for sabs who at least slow them down

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These deranged vile inhumane humans are so lacking in brain matter ! They think they are above nature, above the law and above the majority of us decent respectful people who actually feel and care for the wild life God has put on this earth to live with us in harmony ! They will pay !!

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Nov 30, 2023
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People are justifiably ashamed of and infuriated by the vicious cruelty still going on in our country in 2023. Calling for blood in rhetorical anger is not the same as coldly shedding actual blood for perverted pleasure. The person who equated huntscum with paedophiles is focusing on the perverted pleasure both groups take in committing wicked acts. There is also the right to free speech to be considered (already under attack by those who call lies the truth and vice-versa) so nothing should be removed. The only 'dirty souls' belong to those who deliberately inflict terror, pain, dismemberment and needless death on innocent creatures for 'sport'.

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