Oct 20, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

IF Labour are genuinely going to make all hunting illegal with laws, they must also promise to radically shake up the police force and whole judiciary to enforce the law hard!

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Yes we agree, but any political party that is genuine about the law will have to make sure enforcement is part of their strategy. Whether the police themselves are interested is another question entirely...

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Yes they need shaking up but some Police and Magistrates are friends with these vile people and have no humanity. Who but an insane person would enjoy wounding on purpose a hind or stag then chase them to death before killing them with hounds, guns or knives! The authorities are criminals too who turn their heads away from the evidence.

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Labour had the chance in 2004 to do a proper job of banning hunts from killing animals but their Act was weak and half-hearted, which is why action against disgusting bloodsports is still ongoing. Wouldn't trust Labour to do anything worthwhile for this country. What we need is a TRUE Democracy in which if the majority of the population want something banned because it is cruel, heartless and practised by potential psychopathic animal-killers-for-fun, it gets banned. And the politicos already know what the majority wants.

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Great piece of writing, what a bunch of sick perverts. Is there anything we can do do help? I know from experience that writing to Natural England is a waste of time. Have the press covered stag hunting recently? I’m not sure is an area a lot of people know about.

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Hi Mel, Thanks, I'll pass on your complment! Channel 4 recently featured this (https://www.channel4.com/news/hunters-chase-stag-on-quad-bikes-despite-ban) and there has been coverage - but (as is typical with hunting and shooting in general) there is not nearly enough coverage. We have another Secret Monitor post planned, then we'll take them all to the media ourselves. In the meantime these two post alone have been viewd over 50k times already, so we're doing what we can to raise awareness!

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Yes get it in to the national press with details then the people who are unaware can know about it and support you.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Charlie Moores

Really well written and informative article. Incredibly frustrating that stag hunting still continues so blatantly and illegally. Needs enforcing to finally stop this cruel and barbaric practice.

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Most people in this country would not even know deer hunting with hounds goes on. It need to be filmed and put on television, publicity is the only way to kill the hunts.

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Not only stags but Hinds as well. What about telling them as well about foxes and the barbarity of Cubbing when the Hunt captures a lot Kits( fox puppies) traps them in a copse of trees then sends in young untrained hounds to flush them out and tear them to pieces.!?

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WHY is Stag Hunting still happening?

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Money. bribery. A sick demented status.

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Because some of the Law makers do not care for animals and actually go hunting and murder wildlife by hunting, trapping etc.,even some of our Royals!

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Social media links on your news items PLEASE!

We need to inform the general pulic, not just committed supporters.

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Social media links on your news items PLEASE!

We need to inform the general pulic, not just committed supporters.

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Very informative article👍 these vile excuses for hunans are a disgrace not inly do they get pleasure from seeing an innocent animal try to run to save its life but they take immense pleasure from the barbarity they inflict on that defencless animal, deer are timid shy creatures that cause no harm to their habitat but these scumbags see no harm in churning up OUR countryside with their 4x4s quads and bikes. The government has got to get a grip on reality these barbaric hunts need disarming and put to an end never mind horray henry who thinks its his god given right to hunt these poor creatures down ITS NOT the supporters are just along for the ride rubbing shoulders with these pathetic knobheads who ridicule them at every step bunches of heartless scumbags with no respect for our countryside or its fauna x flora 🤬🤬🤬

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Thank goodness for the SABS!

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