We need a brand new very strong, precisely written law that ends fox and other mammal hunting. It is 2023. That this barbarism is still legal, still endorsed by the public is outrageous. And these ‘hunters’ blame youths for the increase in knife crimes and death? Blood lust is rampant at the very top of our society. It just looks prettier dressed up like children for a pageant, riding beautiful horses.

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Thanks Eliza.

I agree that we need new, not amended, watertight legislation, which does not allow any bending or misinterpretation of the law.

We'll be keeping a close eye on the new Scottish legislation (HDSA 2023) to ascertain whether it is adequately robust. I sincerely hope so.

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I hope thousands and thousands of people sign the petition to help this act through. Something like this desperately needs to be done to protect the animals. The government needs to open their eyes and smell the coffee, and stop thinking of themselves, put the animals first.

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Is it possible to get the 'big names' campaigner groups to support your Hunting of Mammals Bill as opposed to just 'strengthening' the current bill?

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I would extend the law to include ALL warm-blooded animals.

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At last the hunter becomes the hunted shower of snotty nosed scumbags need to be banished to the middle ages were they belong sick and twisted

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‘Pessimistic’ about the current government you say. That, good people, is a huge underestimation. With a very few exceptions they care not a jot about wildlife as they have these low lifes to thank for their support. Until they are kicked out the animals and the planet will continue to suffer at their hands. The lack of legislation from the Tories (I resent even giving them a capital) is abominable just like their governance.

Labour will be an improvement without doubt though there will be mountains to climb once they are in power.

Planet earth is in free fall. Species going extinct at record rates and this embarrassment of a ‘government’ care only for themselves .

No wonder I turn to drink.

We must expose the companies behind those who hunt. It still frustrates me PtW don’t seem to do much about this??? Hurt them where they hurt most… Financially

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