On January 23rd, 2025, whilst sabbing the activities of the Thurlow Hunt, North London Hunt Saboteurs witnessed a heartbreaking incident: a foxhound was fatally injured after being kicked in the head by a hunt horse.
Footage shared by the North London Hunt Sabs (NLHS) captures the harrowing scene. The foxhound lies on the ground, clearly in pain and somewhat conscious. They struggle to stand but collapse again. A huntsman is later seen removing the injured dog on a quad bike. Despite the severity of the injuries, the Thurlow Hunt have yet to disclose the hound’s fate.
Veterinary professionals consulted by Protect the Wild believe the injuries were likely fatal, with one Veterinary surgeon stating they “would not give a good prognosis”. It is highly likely that without immediate veterinary care, the foxhound succumbed to their injuries or was euthanised to end their suffering.
This tragic event is not an isolated occurrence but part of a broader pattern of neglect and disregard for foxhound welfare within the hunting community. Data collected by Protect the Wild reveals that over 500 welfare concerns have been reported at UK hunt meets this season alone, with numbers expected to rise as the season progresses. These incidents include eight distinct categories of welfare concerns, one of which is visible injuries sustained by the hounds themselves, another being hit or kicked by hunt staff or horses.
Phillip Walters from North London Hunt Saboteurs (NLHS) states:
"The events of the 23rd January are not uncommon. Many other animals suffer behind the scenes in these fox hunts. Be it the fox hounds getting hit by cars, trains, and horses, or the deer who are so often rioted on by the dogs, or the horses who are pushed to the very limit by often overweight riders. Every hound pack in the country is founded on animal abuse. This abuse sickens us to a point that only strengthens our resolve to confront these people as they go about their repulsive activities."

The British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) claims to prioritise foxhound welfare, but the reality tells a different story. These dogs are bred solely to serve the hunt, and their well-being is often secondary to the illegal thrill of chasing foxes. When hounds are injured, grow too old, or are deemed unfit for hunting, they are rarely rehabilitated or rehomed. Instead, they are often culled—typically shot in the head —as a matter of convenience.
This incident highlights the inherent cruelty of hunting, revealing that foxes are not the only victims. Foxhounds are no different from other dogs—they are intelligent, loyal, and capable of thriving in loving homes. Yet, hunts across the UK continue to perpetuate the false narrative that these dogs cannot be rehomed. They argue against a hunting ban by suggesting that such bans would leave foxhounds with uncertain futures, conveniently ignoring that these dogs already face grim outcomes when they are no longer deemed useful or injured.

While we can only hope this foxhound’s suffering was brief and that they are now at peace, the true tragedy is that they—and thousands of other foxhounds across the country—are continually placed in dangerous and entirely preventable situations by hunts.
Together, we can advocate for a future where foxhounds are no longer exploited and are given the chance to live in the safe and loving homes they so rightfully deserve.
Protect the Wild is calling for immediate action. Hunts must stop treating foxhounds as disposable tools and instead commit to rehoming and rehabilitating these incredible animals . We also urge the UK’s dog lovers to stand with us in pressuring hunts to abandon their outdated and barbaric practices.
You can donate to North London Hunt Sabs here
If my dog was this badly injured and I didn't take it to the vet immediately I would be prosecuted for cruelty and neglect under the animal act. I hope this will be investigated otherwise what message are we sending out. These vile entitled people think they are above the law.
Unacceptable! These dogs are not cared for, they are used and abused and cruelly treated for one reason only...more cruelty. Those poor dogs, horses and wildlife..these people are vile animal haters...prosecute them now for cruelty, what is the matter with the law for goodness sake.