Its no surprise this useless Tory government is failing on this, as it fails on everything else. They wont ban snares, they are in bed with the shooting industry and landowners who are afraid of loosing their ill gained profits. Thats all they care about. Time for a change.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Protect the Wild

This is extremely good news for wildlife. Well done Wales and let's hope Scotland won't buckle under the pressure from the shooting industry whose only motive is money.

It remains to be seen whether this legislation will deter the gamekeepers from setting snares. They regularly break the law by illegally persecuting Raptors and they mostly get away with it. So.....watch this space.

However, I guess people will no longer be able to be prosecuted for removing snares.

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Exactly that! The fact people will now have the freedom to remove them is a real gamechanger in all of this! But of course remains to be seen what the impact will be of the new legislation when it comes to deterring gamekeepers.

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Total respect to Leslie at last shes got the balls to stand up and say something not like all the others and not before time evil snares are maiming and slowly killing any poor animal that is unlucky to step upon them so a bug shout out to Leslie for doing the right thing maybe now others will grow a set of balls and put this medievil contraption to were it belongs in the dark ages

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Brilliant news, now for England

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It's not just wildlife. Down our lane, dozens of pheasants have been released in the fields, so that "sportsmen" with guns can have the pleasure of shooting them. The birds have been raised in captivity and have little fear of the "sportsmen" I pray for one of the guns to backfire and blow the shooters head off!!

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English law had better catch up very quickly, otherwise the constant spiel put out by this hypocritical government of how concerned they are about animal welfare will sound as hollow as it often is. Meanwhile, STOP killing badgers, ENFORCE the law against killing foxes and END transport of live animals, the law against which is endlessly delayed. FFS, how LONG do useless politicians have to blow hot air before they actually DO something to prevent cruelty?

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