too little, too late - and what about an assault charge regarding the assault on the sab who tried to prevent them from killing a fox. I will not celebrate yet - it remains to be seen whether they will be found guilty and what sentence is passed

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He needs to be behind bars !! The vile 💩 has got away with more than we know and he knows too !! Throw the book at the bastard !!

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Long overdue,let's have some prison sentences imposed to send a clear message to the habitual offenders.

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However there needs to be tougher sentences and the police need to take action sooner.....

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Here in the W Midlands a vote is in place for a new Chief of Police. I shall write first and ask their views on fix hunting. Also why their officers faff around with illegal hunting. Should be a good old standard letter. I shall then ask a newspaper to publish it. I do not trust Police at all. Neither do many I know. What a terrible place to be in the UK. Lawless shite hole.

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Well done for everyone involved in seeing justice is done for this poor fox x

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I suspect it's another token gesture by the corrupt Police, aided by an inept Judiciary. No prizes for guessing what the worthless 'punishment' might be. They are not our (or wildlife's) friends...

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Let’s hope this results in prosecutions. What we really need from the next Labour government is legislation for a proper ban on hunting with dogs and tougher sentences for those who break the law. Long live the fox 🦊

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Incarceration is too good for them. Just incinerate them...cheaper too. We would just have to put up with their stinking rotten carcasses polluting the atmosphere.

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Well done everyone involved! Facing down the entitled criminals has taken nerve, resilience and intelligence and has been rewarded with a criminal charge. Hooray! Now let us hope the court proceedings go well and suitable punishments are handed down to the villains involved.

Let us hope the court proceedings shed a revealing light on the bizarre pantomime within Warwickshire Police and its relationship with the hunt if only to give us all some kind of ‘steer’ on what might be happening elsewhere in the Police UK so that those of us on the side of the fox might better take on the pro-hunt sympathies lurking there.

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The time has come for the bored wealthy to own up to slaughtering innocent foxes for their own entertainment.

Find another form of entertainment & leave all animals out of it.

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Again cops with very deep pockets??? Who can have any faith in them? Have they no conscience?? Compassion?? They, along with hunters, ought to be made to face very hungry wild animals, as the foxes, hares, deer, have to face hounds. Unarmed, see how fast they can run before their oysters and champers weighs them down, animals upon them, ripped apart. See how wide their grins are, how loud their whoops are. Cops should face a governing body supporting wild animals for failing to act. Cgeck their bank accounts too, look for backhanders.

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All bent and many other words.

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ITS just a scam prosecution, for the corrupt "WARWICKSHIRE" "POLICE", AS FOR THAT PIECE OF CROOKED scum "SECCOMBE" you seek him here, you seek him there, you seek that "FUCKING BASTARD" everwhere, he is a "WASTE OF SPACE" just like all the "RURAL POLICE", its all a "FRONT" with the "SICK" "BLOODSPORT" brigade, they are a "DISGRACE" to the "HUMAN SPECIOUS", you get little Joe Blogs committing an offence, the police are out in force, yet we all know the hoorah "FUCKING" henrys, always "ALWAYS" get away with "CRIME" because our "UK NATION OF ANIMAL LOVERS", are full of "CORRUPTION" from the top down, this U K our once lovely country , is "FINISHED", it may still take a few years but it's "DONE FOR", "SERVE US RIGHT", "ASHAMED CITIZEN"

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Tell your local MP I was told waste of time Mark Harper my MP had 2 letters telling me how considerate the Conservative Party is printed letter good photo of him smiling promising his best as usual nothing changes.

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I've emailed my local mp Luke Hall several time concerning the local hunt boxing day ride through Thornbury High Street. I've mentioned the drinking, which is a highways offence & the law breaking activities of this hunt & not once has he gotten back to me.

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