Feb 26Liked by Charlie Moores

Proud to be part of such an amazing network, reaching out to those whos boots are on the ground WELL DONE A PROUD ACHIEVMENT

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Feb 26Liked by Charlie Moores

Its great to be in touch with all the wonderfull guys on PTW. To hear all the amazing work the sabs etc do. They are heroes . Thankyou to everyone for caring for the precious wildlife.

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Feb 26Liked by Charlie Moores

Brilliant idea, I’m just a supportive individual, so grateful these groups are willing to give their time and huge effort to protect our wildlife. Thank you.

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Feb 26Liked by Charlie Moores

Upwards and onwards. It’s a pleasure to be part of the PTW community and knowing my monthly sun goes to help activists in the field. Keep up the great work !

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Feb 26Liked by Charlie Moores

Bloody love you lot - and all you stand for and support! That’s about it really 💚😆

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Feb 27Liked by Charlie Moores


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Feb 27Liked by Charlie Moores

Being a supporter and subscriber to PTW allows people like myself to feel part of the action to protect our wildlife when physically unable to do so. This is so important to me, as it must be to others, to be able to do something positive to resolve the anger and frustration felt knowing the wickedness continues. Brave sabs and monitors, you will never be alone now, PTW will be the strongest support for you. PTW - I'm with you for life!

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That's a lovely thing to say Rosemary, thank you :)

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

I was shocked to see in this message that there is an anti-blood sports group in my area because, perhaps naively, I thought there wouldn't be a problem in a built-up, heavy-industry environment. Just goes to show that there are abominable, bloodthirsty wildlife killers lurking everywhere. How come a well-funded nationwide organisation such as the RSPCA doesn't work harder to PREVENT violent, law-breaking hunt-scum from inflicting CRUELTY on ANIMALS? If they actually do anything in this regard, I haven't heard of it.

But it's wonderful to hear that courageous volunteers are getting equipment to help foil the human vermin who pollute our countryside by terrorising the creatures that have every right to live in it. Long live the fox, the hare, the deer, the badger and the birds! Down with the barbarians!

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Hi Pamela. Hunts might be based in industry-heavy regions but they travel - the northern parts of North Yorks Moors NP is a favourite area, for example, and there are still plenty of landowners willing to accommodate hunts. To be fair to the RSPCA, they always come in on issues like welfare of hounds in hunt kennels when they are alerted but they are tied in that they don't have powers to investigate or prosecute (they can take private prosecutions but they are extremely expensive) and many parts of the police still think hunting is a 'legal activity'. There are some really good members of staff in the RSPCA who would LOVE to do more...But yes the good news is that are courageous and determine volunteers who go out and monitor and sab hunts and we are determined to help them (if they want us to of course!). Thanks :)

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Please can you tell me if there is a Northumbrian group of Protect the Wild? Thank you

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Hi Sonia. Thanks for the question. I'm not sure if you're asking about a regional group of Protect the Wild, or a member of the support network based in Northumberland so apologies if I make this too long :) But if the first case, we've not set up any regional groups ourselves - we're a very small team, but that makes us very responsive and we feel that if anyone needs anything or wants to support us they can find us more effectively and more quickly by emailing us directly rather than going through another 'layer'. If you're asking about monitor or sabs groups in your area, there are some excellent groups in the north east including Teesside Anti Blood Sports and North East Hunt Monitors - both are on Facebook. Hope that helps?

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Thank you, yes it does. I would like to express my support to them.

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I suport you in all the work you do to protect wildlife, hey were here before us Humans and will be after weare no longera part of this wonderious planet, If I could I would uport you financialy, unfotunatly my pension does not allow me to to do that.

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Thanks Charlie 🙂

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I really think you should become a registered charity so you can claim Gift Aid on donations. It will add 25p for every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer.

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Hi Peter. We get asked about this a lot, but we've made the decision that we value the independence to work the way we think is most effective more. Charties take a massive amount of time to run (potentially requiring more staff which can offset any gains from Gift Aid anyway), and they are required to appoint a Board of Trustees to oversee ther work. Personally speaking, having been on the Board of Trustees of a charity in the past and witnessed first hand how lobbyists use the Charity Commission to tie up a charity's resources it's not a route I want to go down and neither does Rob who founded Protect the Wild.

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Feb 27Liked by Charlie Moores

Agree Charlie and Rob! Been there, done that with our Wildlife Rescue as it seemed in those days, getting credibility relied on registration with the Charity Commission. It is not a fact and 'control' from the commission was a pain! We de-registered, and did much better in achieving our aims with the support of a good accountant and 'open books'! Our supporters were kept well informed of all we did and keeping an honest relationship with them was just as good as any credibility from being 'registered!

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Hi Charlie. Thank you for your reply. I am currently a trustee and treasurer of a charity, and if you define the objectives of the charity very tightly it can take very little time to run. All donations are made directly into our bank account, and the bank claims back the Gift Aid for us from HMRC for a small fee. We have just 3 trustees and no staff, and we submit annual accounts and a Trustees' Annual Report to the Charity Commission every year, and have no other involvement from the Charity Commission. It would be so easy to set up a charity to accept donations for say just the equipment fund, and I feel you're really missing a trick.

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I too am glad to be part of such a wonderful organisation! I wish I was healthy enough to join the sabs!!! Keep up the good fight against the evil people who hunt and torture our lovely native animals. May the Goddess bless you all!!!

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Honoured to be part of the Protect the Wild organisation and to subscribe to the equipment fund. I am happy for any changes that benefit the legends on the ground in their fight against the murder of our beautiful wildlife.

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