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Jan 10, 2024
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Agree. It makes me so angry. An eye for an eye. Soft justice here.

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YES Mr Woodward you definitely were hunting a fox with hounds.

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Congratulations and THANK YOU to CBM and all involved! We need a few more determined lawyers like that! Praise due to her and the Magistrate concerned!

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miscreants, all of them. What kind of vile excuse for a human can derive pleasure from participating in this barbarism ?

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I think these hunters are insane and should be evaluated.

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Don't give them the excuse of the "insanity" plea. They are deliberate criminals. They know exactly what they're doing

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Reprobates, with zero hope or wish for redemption.

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Well, perhaps they wish for it, but they won’t get it

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I do not understand how we can legitimize hunting today when we are going through a global catastrophe and at the same time we are told that we are and everything is connected. Destroying a part of the tapestry of life affects the whole tapestry hence today's catastrophe. All forms of hunting must be banned. Inject in some of those cruel humans some compassion and make them realise that to inflict pain and kill life out of his frustrations will only lead to more pain and more suffering amongst both wildlife and humans. Everything is connected, humans are conscients and sentients so are animals, so is the planet, so is the Universe. So a bit of teaching needs to take place there!

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Thanks for everything you did to enable the conviction of this appalling man.

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Thank goodness the law finally had to uphold itself - well done to all involved , hopefully this sends out a strong message to all the other hunts and this outdated , barbaric “sport “ and the pompous fools that participate are consigned to history 👍

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Honestly if you actually get pleasure or fulfilment from seeing an animal ripped apart by numerous dogs then THERE’S SOMETHING NOT RIGHT IN YOUR HEAD !! MAYBE YOUR HEART TOO !!

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In bred monsters

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Ha ha made up well done to all who stood up for whats right in this land and oh dear couldnt mummy or daddy get you out of this massive hole youve dug for yourself like the spoilt brat you are youve become a wildlife thug for long enough now and it will follow you until hopefully u suck your last breadth you worthless mudering sick retard oh an hes got the ugliest mug ive ever seen are they all in bred ???

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Yes he is ugly. He is up there with Becky Baker.

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Looking at the pics i think its the same troll u cant tell every branch of the ugly tree,s smacked them 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍

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Only the commitment shown gets results. Welldone.

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WELL DONE ALL MONITORS AND SABS. They ought to chuck murdering scum like that in jail, give me, or sabs, key, and either let it rot or put it with vicious dogs, disable first, wouldnt want any more animals hurt, and lets pretend its a fox or badger. See how it enjoys being torn apart. Think that may deter others??? Im far from rich, but i would pay good money to watch.

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Now come on you "PROTECT the WILD" "MONITORS" and "SABS", cant you see he is out with the "HOUNDS" having "FUN", just look at "HIS" "FACE", why is it that "ALL" men and woman, who go "HUNTING", have the same "EVIL" "HARD LOOK" on there faces, I think the only time they "SMILE", "LAUGH" or even "CHEER" is when they see the "HOUNDS" "RIP THE FOX TO PIECES", Its that "BLOODLUST" that sets them apart from "NORMAL" people, when I see any "WILDLIFE'S "AMAZING" "BEAUTY", it is "EXCITING" and puts such a big "GRIN" on my face, I do not feel like "KILLING/MURDERING" the animals , not like the "SICK" "PERVERTED" "SAVAGE" "SCUM" "RETARDED" "SUB HUMAN" "HUNTERS" and there "SICK" "FOLLOWERS", yes I know they have a "SICKNESS" in there "HEART" and "MIND", maybe one day they will realise how "BAD" they are. "LOVER OF WILDLIFE"

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Takes years of being in bred to be as nasty x retarded as these scum

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One down.....well blooming done to all those gathering evidence out there and having to witness such horrendous and horrific cruelty first hand but continuing to fight. CBM you are heroes.

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A good result thanks to experienced monitors. Can't help being reminded about the Kimblewick hunt who were filmed hunting a fox (encouraging hounds onto it) into an industrial unit. There were independent witnesses who confirmed that the huntsman was deliberately hunting the fox, using all the usual commands. The fox was killed and the body thrown to the hounds. All captured on film. No charges were brought. After many letters of complaint I think it was Thames Valley police who said that there was no proof of intent. Truly shocking. Police bias I suspect.

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