.... and they wonder why few people go to church anymore! Hypocrisy from top down, interpreting bits from the bible that suit their personal ethics, and expect people to follow blindly! Yuk, not for me! They set themselves up as manipulative demi-gods, and treat people as stupid plebs!
So much for the bibles teachings: All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. The usual hypocrisy spouted by these ridicules people.
28th December is Holy Innocence Day. This Reverend idiot is blessing hunt hounds that are about to inflict injury or death to his 'so called' Gods innocent creation.
This should come as no surprise to anyone. The King is the head of the CofE and all the Royal Family hunt and shoot, except Harry, but even he used to till asked to stop by his wife. The saintly Kate has become, according to the press, a very enthusiastic shooter of birds. You are going to get horrible people in every walk of life and the church is no exception.
Because ther 2 faced nonces who thrive on cruelty they should hang ther perverted evil heads never trusted any type of religeon or leader liars nonces pure evil scum hoping if they keep in with the hooray shit their pouches will be filled with 30 pieces of silver 😡😡😡😡
My comment might upset a few people, All religions, "in my mind" are a total "BRAIN WASHING" load of crap, there are so many, "DISGUSTING ATROCITIES" on our planet, where were the "GODS" then, it all stems from, so called, "wise men", it's not for me, nor "royalty".
Maybe the Reverend should go to a "trail" hunt escorted by a Sab. Tell him to 'bless' the fox that was just shred to pieces by a hound and ask if he would call THAT a "fruitful" day of hunting.
The church is sucking up to these rich twats for donations.
The things a vicar will do to try and bolster falling church attendances. Not a place of worship I’d like to go to. If you have Spotify search for a song called “bloodsports” by the Style Council. Sums it up very well 😡🦊
The hunting hounds NEED blessing because their evil masters will dispatch them without a qualm if the dogs are not sufficiently eager to hunt, injured or past it.
The 'reverend' is either very stupid or he's a liar spouting that 'trail hunting' nonsense. Even townies know that hunts will kill any animal unfortunate enough to come in their sights, so living in the country, he must know WHY they still keep up their expensive charades of 'just following a trail'.
The CofE's reputation is already in tatters & if it doesn't give out some good advice about NOT kowtowing to the throwback huntscum fraternity, it will sink even lower.
There is nothing of God in the minds of these Reverends its more like the mind of satan in full knowledge what these fox hunting barbarics and criminals are doing committing atrocities on wildlife for fun and pleasures There is blood on their pulpits and flagstones of their churches as they spew out their support for fox hunters. They truly are fake prophets preaching in their own house of God.
Why would a Reverend care about animals getting killed in a horrific manner …. When most of them have covered up horrific child abuse.
.... and they wonder why few people go to church anymore! Hypocrisy from top down, interpreting bits from the bible that suit their personal ethics, and expect people to follow blindly! Yuk, not for me! They set themselves up as manipulative demi-gods, and treat people as stupid plebs!
So much for the bibles teachings: All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. The usual hypocrisy spouted by these ridicules people.
28th December is Holy Innocence Day. This Reverend idiot is blessing hunt hounds that are about to inflict injury or death to his 'so called' Gods innocent creation.
This should come as no surprise to anyone. The King is the head of the CofE and all the Royal Family hunt and shoot, except Harry, but even he used to till asked to stop by his wife. The saintly Kate has become, according to the press, a very enthusiastic shooter of birds. You are going to get horrible people in every walk of life and the church is no exception.
Because ther 2 faced nonces who thrive on cruelty they should hang ther perverted evil heads never trusted any type of religeon or leader liars nonces pure evil scum hoping if they keep in with the hooray shit their pouches will be filled with 30 pieces of silver 😡😡😡😡
At least he didn't bless the hunters. The dogs are innocent,
My comment might upset a few people, All religions, "in my mind" are a total "BRAIN WASHING" load of crap, there are so many, "DISGUSTING ATROCITIES" on our planet, where were the "GODS" then, it all stems from, so called, "wise men", it's not for me, nor "royalty".
Maybe the Reverend should go to a "trail" hunt escorted by a Sab. Tell him to 'bless' the fox that was just shred to pieces by a hound and ask if he would call THAT a "fruitful" day of hunting.
The church is sucking up to these rich twats for donations.
The things a vicar will do to try and bolster falling church attendances. Not a place of worship I’d like to go to. If you have Spotify search for a song called “bloodsports” by the Style Council. Sums it up very well 😡🦊
The hunting hounds NEED blessing because their evil masters will dispatch them without a qualm if the dogs are not sufficiently eager to hunt, injured or past it.
The 'reverend' is either very stupid or he's a liar spouting that 'trail hunting' nonsense. Even townies know that hunts will kill any animal unfortunate enough to come in their sights, so living in the country, he must know WHY they still keep up their expensive charades of 'just following a trail'.
The CofE's reputation is already in tatters & if it doesn't give out some good advice about NOT kowtowing to the throwback huntscum fraternity, it will sink even lower.
There is nothing of God in the minds of these Reverends its more like the mind of satan in full knowledge what these fox hunting barbarics and criminals are doing committing atrocities on wildlife for fun and pleasures There is blood on their pulpits and flagstones of their churches as they spew out their support for fox hunters. They truly are fake prophets preaching in their own house of God.