Wildlife news weekly round-up: 27 Feb - 05 March 2025
We're changing things a little to make things easier for everyone
We have an announcement about our Substack posts. We’re not leaving the platform or cutting down on the number of articles we publish, but from this week we will be sending out a ‘round-up post’ newsletter with links to the previous seven days’ posts rather than individual newsletters every time we publish.
Why? Quite simply because as Protect the Wild has grown, we are producing far more content! While joining Substack gave us the opportunity to send out each article we write as a newsletter (that’s how the platform is designed), we have since been joined by more writers who are writing more articles and we are now creating regular videos too. Along with campaign and petition announcements, and offering new items in our popular online shop, we are sending out a lot of newsletters. We know they are well-received (most are viewed over 40k times), but we also know that your mailboxes (especially if like us you subscribe to a number of organisations and email alerts) can get a little full sometimes.
So we are proposing that we re-organise what we are sending to you.
Wildlife News Weekly round-ups
Rather than individual newsletters every time we publish an article, every Wednesday we will create a round-up with summaries of each post and a ‘Read Here’ link to the full post instead (just like the content below this introduction, in other words).
If we have a specific Substack article or campaign we think is vital to highlight we may send that out as an individual post, but in the main, Wednesday will be the day for ‘all things Substack’.
We’ll still be letting you know about other work we’re doing of course:
Our founder, Rob Pownall, will be sending out a Protect the Wild roundup every Sunday via Mailchimp, featuring our latest videos, campaigns, and key updates on our ongoing work. If we have a new fundraiser or merch announcement, you can expect those emails to go out on Fridays.
Our new email schedule:
📅 Wednesdays – Wildlife News Roundup
📅 Fridays – Merch & Fundraiser Announcements
📅 Sundays – Protect the Wild Weekly Update (Campaigns, Videos & Key Updates)
From time to time, we may send individual articles or updates that we believe are particularly important.
In the meantime of course all of our news and opinion pieces are available to read - in full and by everyone - on our Substack.
As always we’re very interested in knowing what you think. Please use the comments below.
Weekly round-up: 27 Feb - 05 March 2025
Want to support our journalism here on Substack and the other vital work we do for British wildlife?
At the moment all our gorgeous pin badges are 3 for £12 - hand-made with love here in the UK - they make a perfect gift too :)
However you do it....just keep doing it!!
Fabulous work ❤️
I always like to thoroughly read everything you report. With the new format,....... this could take a while! I understand your reasons and that 'progress' never stands still. I am happy that you are so busy and more and more reports and evidence come flooding in, expose, expose, expose! Guess I need to take more tea breaks to attempt to keep up!