The majority of the British people want a ban on all hunting. The government knows this, yet ignores the people's wishes, probably because many members of this government are hunters themselves?? All animals are sentient beings, no different from us humans.

It's about time this government listened to the people and ban all hunting for ever.

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We couldn’t agree more!

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This is banned. It was made illegal in 2004 but the law seems to be on the side of the hunts because the killers seem to get away most times. Magistrates and police are quite often hunt members.

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Sport requires that all parties concerned to CONSENT to the game & the related rules etc. Therefore this is not a sport - but savage MURDER. Lock up these evil bastards.

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These scumbags need to be outed publicly ashamed for doin the most disgusting thing taking a innocent baby fox and letting it be ripped to shreds what goes on in their heads SCUM thats all they are complete scum

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Foxhunting makes me ashamed to be human. I can never understand why, when it was made illegal in 2004, that the hunts still get away with killing hundreds of poor foxes every year. Surely this shows that the magistrates snd some police are on the side of the huntsmen when they aren't prosecuted.

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